Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Valéry, the caftle of, taken by the king of Navarre, I. 487.—Taken by the earl de St. Pol,
501.—Taken by fir Hugh de Chatillon, I. 793. Valois, the lady Joan de, concludes a truce between the kings of France and England, T. 169. Vannes, the town of, furrendcrs to the earl of Montfort as duke of Brittany, 1.178.—Taken by
ftorm by the lord Charles of Blois, 214.—Retaken by lord Robert d'Artois, 231.—Taken
by fir Oliver de Clifton, 234.—Befieged by the Englilh, 236.—Taken by fir Bertrand du
Gucfclin, II. 143. Varennes, John de, refigns all his preferments in the church, IV. 402. Vauclignen, the town of, taken by the duke of Burgundy, II. 184. Vaudemont, earl of, captured at the battle of Poitiers, 1.435.
Vaufiart de la Croix, fir, defeated and taken prifoner in a fkirmifh at Pont a Treffin, 157,—
Put to death at Lille, 158. Vaulx, fir Henry de, taken prifoner at Cormicy, I. 545. Vendôme, the earl of, taken prifoner at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435.
Ventadour, the caftle of, in Auvergne, betrayed to Geoffrey Tete-noir, II. 294.—Befieged by the duke of Berry, HI. 563.—Taken by his forces, IV. 139.
Vercbin, fir Gerard de, mortally wounded in a tournament at Mons, L 170.
Verneuil, the town of, taken by the duke of Lancafter, L 409«
Verteuil, the town of, taken by the duke of Bourbon, III. 33.
Vienne, fir John de, governor of Calais, fent prifoner to England, I. 370.
— • ••• , admiral of France, heads an expedition to Scotland to invade England, II. 740.—Badly treated by the Scots, III. xi•—Invades England, accompanied by a Scottifh army, 34.—Sent on an embafiy into Caftillc, IV. 49.—Returns to France, 60.—Killed at the battle of Nicopoli, 519.
Vienne, the dauphin of, invefted with the duchy of Normandy, I. 405.
Vsetat, don Alphonfo, high admiral of Portugal, fent to England to convey the duke of Lan-cafter and his army to Portugal, III. 266.
Vilkùnes, Le bègue de, one of the minifters of Charles the .Sixth, arretted by the duke of Bur-gundy during his regency, IV. 355.—liberated, 360.
VUlechpe, the town of, in Galicia, taken by the duke of Lancafter, III. 300.
Villefrancbe, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 276.—Taken by ftorm by the duke of Normandy, 287.—Taken by fir John Chandos, 823.
Vifconti, fir Bernabo de, put to death by his nephew, III. 4.
, fir Galeas de, puts fir Bernabo, his uncle, to death, III. 4.—Enters into an alliance with the fultan Bajazet, IV. 486.