Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Wake, fir Thomas, defeated by the Gafcon lords, I. 787.
Walworth, fir William, lord mayor of London, affifts to fecnre Wat Tylef in Smithfield,
11.477- • •
Work caftle, belonging to the earl of Salifbury, befieged by the Scots, I. 195. Wars, between France and England, how caufed, I. S.
Warwick, the earl of, joins the doke of Gioucefter in his attempts to excite diftarbances in England* IV. 546.—Sent to the Tower, 583.—Banifhed to the Ifle of Wight, 586.—Re-called by the earl of Derby, 66%.
Werre% fir Pepin de, flain at the battle of Calais, I. 380.
Werfey, lord Robert de, taken prifoner at the battle of NeviTs Crois, I. 346. •
Whiteboods, the cuftem of wearing them revived at Ghent, II. 313.
, fee Obent, men of*
Wimeflaus the Sixth, emperor of Germany, his eleâion, II. 34a.—Sends his filler, Anne of Bohemia, to England, to be married to Richard the Second, jxa.—Dies' at Luxembourg
Wifant, James and Peter, their patriotic conduâ during the fiege of Calais, L 395. Tfykeham, fir William, appointed bifhop of Worcefter and chancellor of England, I. 785.
Ytrrk, the archbifliop of, difmifled from his office of treafurer by the commiffioners of ac-counts, III. 476.
—, the duke of, his creation, III. 341.—Confederates with the duke of Gioucefter and
others againft king Richard and his council, 461. Ypres, the town of, enters into an alliance with the men of Ghent, 11« 331, 311.—Turns to
the carl of Flanders, 433.-—Surrenders to the king of France, 6M.—Befieged by the bifhop
of Norwich, 678.
Trier, the town of, in Limoges, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IL 67.