Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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gundy with thofe of Hainault, IL 738.—At Paris» in honour of queen Ifàbella's public entrance, IV. 84.—At Inglevere, near Calais, by three French knights againft all corner^ 107.—At London, by order of Richard the Second, 228.—At Windfor, which is badly at-tended, 634.—At Oxford by the earl of Huntingdon, 683. Tournay, the town of, befieged by Edward the Third, I. 146.
Treaty of alliance, entered into at Vilvorde, between the countries of Flanders, Brabant, and Hainault, 1. 145.
Treaty of peace, between the duke of Burgundy and the men 6f Ghent, III. 63,
Trelawny, fir Matthew, feverely wounded at Rocheperion, L 217.—Taken prifoner, Refcued from death, 222.
Trimouille, fir William de la, appointed to command a body of men to affift the duchefs of Brabant againft the duke of Gueldres, HI. 565.
Treffilian, fir Robert, beheaded by order of the duke of Gloucefter and his party, III. 484.
Trivet, fir Thomas, fent to the affiftance of the king of Navarre, II. 267.—Takes feveral forts» in Gafcony, 268, et ^.—Marches into Caftille, 274.—Returns to England, 282.—De-feated by the French at Arras, 374.—Committed to the Tower of London, 709.—Killed by a fall from his horfe, III. 472.
Truce, between the Englifh and the Scots, I. 48.—Between the French and Englifh, 169.— Between the Englifh and the Scots, 191.—Between the lord Charles of Blois and the countefs of Montfort, 225.—For three years, between the French and Englifh, 243. —Between France and England, 370.—Prolonged by order of pope Innocent, 402.—Be-tween France and England, 46b.—Between the Englifh and the Scots, II. 52.—Between the French and Englifh, 169.—Between the Englifh and Scots, 481.—Between the French: and Englifh with all their allies, 217.—Between the kings of Caftille and Portugal, It 162. HI. 187.—Between the French and Englifh, IV. 70. 87, 368, 396.
Tyler, Wat, heads the populace of England in their rebellion againft king Richard the Se-cond and the nobility, II. 461«—Killed in Smithfield, 477.
Urban the Fifth, pope* eleâed at Avignon, I. 594.—Preaches a cru&de againft the Saracens, 599.—Excommunicates don Pedro, king of* Caftille, 672.—His death, II. 74.
Urban the Sixth, rîe&ed at Rome, II. 231.—Sends a bull to England for the deftruâion of the Clementifts, 662.—Befieged in Perugia—Efcapes to Rome, ML 225.—Dies at Rome,.
IV. 127.
Utrecht, the town of, taken by the earl of Hainault, I. 284.
Uzes, the caftle of, in Auvergne* taken by fir John Devereux, IL 87.—Suwenders to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, 88.