Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Suffolk, the earl of, captured by the governor of Lifle, 1.125.
Surgeres, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 337.—Surrenders to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 127.
Taillebourg, the town of, taken by the Englifh under the earl of Derby, I. 337,—Surrenders
to the French, II. 122.—Befieged by the duke of Bourbon, III. 7. Tailles, the nature of the tax fo called, explained, I. 752, note. Talbot, lord, dies at Ruelles in Spain, III. 516.
Tancorville, the carl of, taken prifoner by the Englifh under Edward the Third, I. 307.—
Captured at the battle of Poitiers, 437. Tarbe, fir Aimery de, killed in a naval engagement before la Rochelle, IL 103. Tajfegnon, the caftle of, in Gafcony, taken by fir Thomas Trivet, II. 269. Tax on income, eftablifhed in France, I. 405.
Tello, don, brother of Henry, king of Caftille, defeats a body of Englifh troops under fir
William Felton, I. 723. Terrieres, the town of, taken by fir John Chandos, I. 8o2« Tertre, Peter du, executed at Paris for treafon, II. 185.
Tetenoir, Geoffry, obtains poffefiton of the caftle of Ventadour, in Auvergne, IL 294.—Mor«
tally wounded, IV. 53.—Makes his will, 54.—His death, 55. Thilliers, the caftle of, taken by king John of France, II. 409. Thin VEveque, the town of, befieged by the duke of Normandy, I. 135. Tbouars, the town of, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IL 127. Tburie, the town and caftle of, taken by le Baftot de Mauleon, III. 146. Tibald, doâor Simon, bifhop of London, preaches the juftice of the war againft France,
I. 805.
Tilt, at Entença, between fir John Holland and fir Reginald de Roye, III. 393. Tonniers, the town of, taken by Edward the Third, L 548.
Tonniens, the town of, taken by the duke of Normandy, L 292.—Surrenders to the duke of
Anjou, IL 49. Tour, the lord de la, flain at the battle of Poitiers, L 433.
Touraine, the duke of, brother of Charles the Sixth of France, buys the reverfbn of the county of Blots, IV. 30.—Created duke of Orleans, 332.
Tournament, at Mons, I. 170.—By king Edward the Third at London, in compliment to the countefs of Salifbury, 226.—At Vannes before the duke of Britanny and the earl of Buckingham, II. 416.—At Cambray, in honour of the marriage of the children of Bur-gundy