Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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under the young earl of Douglas, IV. 6.—Defeat the Englifh at the battle of Otter-bourne, c.
Scott, Robin, takes the town of Roucy, in Picardy, I. 498.
S caulk y the town of, taken by the French under fir William de la Tremouille, III. 565.
Seclin, the town of, burnt by the earl of Hainault, I. 148.
Segar, John, governor of Noyent, murdered at Troyes, I. 518.
Scnerachy the lord de, captured at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435.
Sequainville, fir Peter de, beheaded at Rouen, L 636.
St. Severe, in Saintonge, taken by the duke of Berry, IL 116.
Sluys, the town of, taken by the men of Ghent, IL 563.—Exchanged for the country of Betbune, III. 25.
Soubife, the caftle of, taken by the French under Evan of Wales, II. 120. Southampton, the town of, pillaged by the French, I. 95.
Spaniards, the, defeated at fea by Edward the Third, I. 389. f
Spencer, fir Hugh, the elder, befieged with Edward the Second in Briftol, I. 19.—Taken and beheaded, 20.
•• , fir Hugh, the younger, direéh the government of Edward the Second, I. 7^^ Caufes the earl of Lancafter to be beheaded, ii.—Fruftrates the endeavours of queen Ifa-bella to obtain affiftance in France, 12.—Befieged with the king in Briftol by the queen's forces, 19.—Ignominioufly beheaded at Hereford, 22. —, the lord de, his death, IL 185.
Stafford, lord, captured before Vannes, I. 238.—Exchanged for the lord de Clifton, 244.—
Created an earl, 384. -——, lord Ralph, killed by fir John Holland, III. 39. Standwich, John, puts Wat Tyler to death in Smithfield, IL 477. Star, the order of the, revived by king John of France, L 395.
Stewart, Robert, fucceeds to the crown of Scotland on the death of his uncle David the Second, II. 140.—Enters into an alliance with the king of France, 215.—Makes pre-parations to invade England, 216.—Sends to excufe himfelf to the king of England for fome inroads which the Scots, contrary to his orders, had made into England, 236.— AfTembles a large army to invade England, with the affiftance of the admiral of France, III. 34.—Retires into the Highlands during the war, 44.—Summons the prelates and barons to confider of a truce with England, IV. 70.
Stirling Caftle, retaken by the Scots, 1.190.
Straw, Jack, heads the populace of England in the rebellion againft king Richard and the
nobility, II. 461.—Taken and beheaded, 480. Sudbury, Simon de, archbifliop of Canterbury and chancellor of England, murdered in the
Tower of London by Wat Tyler, II. 470.
INDEX. aij