Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Appointed regent on the departure of king John for England, 608—Crowned king of France at Rheims, under the title of Charles the fifth, 635. Northumberland, the earl of, takes Berwick caille, II. 220.—Enters Scotland with a large army, ib.—Appointed lieutenant of Northumberland, 457.—Enters Scotland with a large force, 718.—Banifhcd by Richard the Second, IV. 636.—Recalled by the earl of Derby, 662.
Norwich, the bifliop of, appointed commander in chief of a croifode againft the Clementifts, II. 663.—Enters Flanders contrary to the advice of fir Hugh Calverley, 667.—Takes the town of Gravelines and other places, 669.—Befieges Ypres, 679.—Abandons the fiege, and returns to England, 688.—Badly received on his return, 769.
Noyon, the bifhop of, taken prifoner at Manconfeil, I. 490.
Oliferne, Agadinquor, an African chief, his conduâ at the fiege of Africa, IV. 227. Orchies, the town of, burnt by the earl of Hainault, I. 148.
Orenze, the town of, in Galicia, furrenders to the forces of the duke of Lancafter, III. 434» Oriflamme, the facred banner fo called, difplayed by the king of France at the battle of Rofe-
becque in Flanders, II. 638 and note. Orleans, the dutchefs of, fufpeâed of attempting to poifon the king of France, IV* 484.-**
Sufpeded of caufing his illnefs, 537. Orthon, a familiar fpirit, ferves the lord of Coraflfe, III. 188» Ortringas, the town of, taken by Peter d'Anchin, III. 87. Oflrate, Wauftre, takes the caftle of Roulebois fur Seine, I» 541. -Oftrevant, the country of, burnt by the garrifon of Douay, I. 132*
Oflrevant, the count of, created a knight of the Garter, IV. 128.—Gives offence to the king of France, 235.—Does homage to the king of France for the county of Oftrevant, 465.— —Raifes an army to invade Friefland, 466*—Invades Friefland, 5CO.-*-Di(bands his army, 506.—Invites the earl of Derby to Hainault after he had been baniftied from England, 607.
Otho, fir, of Brunfwicke demands his pay from pope Clement at Avignon, III* 224.
Otterboume, the battle of, IV. 9. [See alfo 19, note. ]
Oudenarde, the town of, befieged by the men of Ghent, IL 332, 350.—Taken by Francis
Atremen, 698.—Retaken by the lord Deftournay, 728. Oxford, the earl of, taken prifoner in Gafcony, 1. 258.«-Endeavours to dtfluade the king ot
England from affifting his uncles in their pretenfions to the crown of Caftille, III. 75.—
Created duke of Ireland, 347.