Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Pampehma, the town of, befieged by the king of Caftille, 11. %66. Paris, the city of, befieged by the dake of Normandy, 1.477.
Parifians, the, rebel againft Charles the Sixth, II. 502.—Appealed by the lord de Coney, 503.
—Fined by the king, 657. Partenay, the lord de, captured at the battle of Poitiers, 1. 438.
Poffac, fir Walter de, takes St. Forget, and federal other placçs in the Touloufain, III. 196. —Accompanies the duke of Bourbon in an expedition into Caftille, 364.—Arrives at Burgos, 399.
Si* Patrick's Hole, in Ireland, its lingular properties, IV. 441.
Pavii, fir Ayraery de, governor of Calais, enters into a treaty with fir Geofiry de Chargny to deliver up the town to him, I. 375.—Prevented by the king of England, 376.—Taken prifoner by fir Geoftry de Chargny, and beheaded, 391.
Peace, concluded between France and England, I. 558.—At Leulinghen, IV. 387.
Pedro the Fourth, don, king of Caftille, fummoned to appear before pope Urban the Fifth at Avignon, I. 672.—Excommunicated, Endeavours to raife a force to oppofe his brother don Henry, and the duke of Burgundy, 675.—Flies to Corunna, 676.—Goes to Aquitaine to folicit the affiftance of the prince of Wales, 678.—Enters Spain, accompanied by the prince and a large force, 712*—Defeats the army of don Henry at Navarete, 739.—Obtains the fubmiffion of Caftile, 740.—Incurs the difpleafure of the prince of Wales, 749.— Defeated by don Henry at Montiel, 765.—Taken prifoner, 767.—Killed by his brother, 768.—His bones found by his daughter the ducheft of Lancafter and interred at Seville, IV. 66. \
Pembroke, the earl of, fent to the affiftance of the prince of Wales in Aquitaine, L 797.— Makes war on Perigord, &c. 799,—Invades the territories of Anjou, IL 19.—-Returns to England, 77.—Appointed governor of Aquitaine, 97.—Defeated and taken prifoner by the Spaniards before La Rochelle, 103.—Infulted by Evan of Wales atSt.Andero, 109.— Obtains his ranibm. 161.—Dies at Arras, 163.
Pennon, the nature of the military enfign fo called, explained, I.419, note.
Percy, fir Henry, dies in Caftille, IIL 516«
Percy, fir Henry, appointed commander in chief of the forces in Northumberland, IV. 1. Percy, fir Ralph,. captured at the battle of Otterbourne, IV. 50. •
Percy, fir Thomas, appointed fenefebal of Poitou, IL 33.—Takes the caftle of Montcontour, 85.—Captured by the French at Soubife, 120.—-Refigns his office of fteward of the houfe-hold to king Richard the Second, IV. 556*—Appointed governor of Aquitaine, 676.
Perigord, the cardinal de, endeavours to make peace between the king of France and the