Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Navarre, the young king of, goes to Paris, to endeavour to gain back his inheritance of
Evreux, IV. 592, 593. Navarre, the lord Lewis of, takes the town of La Charité, I. 638«—Marries the queen of
Naples, 669.—His death, ib. Navarre, Philip of, defends the pofleffions of his brother in Normandy againft the king of
France, I. 409.—Raifes an army to raife the liege of St. Valéry, 501.—Refufes to accept
the peace which had been concluded between his brother and the duke of Normandy, 510« Necromancer, a, offers to deliver up the caftel del Ovo.to the duke of Anjou by enchantment,
II. 519.—Beheaded Ky order of the earl of Savoy, 521. Négociations, carried on at Bolinges refpc£Hng a peace between the Englifh and the French,
II. 710.
Ncslc, Guy de, defeated and taken prifoner by the Englifh in Saintonge, 1. 395.—Slain, 397.
Nesle, lord William de, flain at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435«
Neviïs Cross, the battle of, I. 341. 9
Neville, the lord, raifes the fiegc of Mortain, II. 255.—Takes St. Maubert, 257.—Difmiflcd
from his command in Northumberland, IV. 1. Newtonn, fir John, fent on an embafly to Richard the Second from the rebels of Kent,
II. 464.
Nicopoli,. the town of in Turkey, befieged by the king of Hungary and John of Burgundy, IV. 477.—The fiege raifed by the fultan Bajazet, 515.
Niort, the town of, ftormed by the Englifh, IL 1 19.—Surrenders to fir Bertrand du Guef-clin, 137.
Nivelé, the church of, burnt by the earl of Flanders, with feveral hundreds of the men of
Ghent in it, II. 441. Nogent sur Seine, the town of, fold to the biftiop of Troy es, L 517. Nogentsur Seine, the battle of, L 513*
Normandy, the duchy of, invaded by Edward the Third, I. 299.
Normandy, the duke of, invades Hainault, I. 125.*—Befieges Thin l'Eveque, 135.«—Enters Brittany with the lord Charles of Blois, 184.—Leads a large army to oppofe the king of England in Brittany, 240.—Enters into a truce with him, 242.-~-Leads an army into Gafcony to oppofe the earl of Derby, 287.—Takes the town of Miraumont and others, 287, et feq,—Marries Jane countefs of Boulogne, 381.—Appointed regent of France, during the imprifonment of king John in England, 618, 457.—Befieges Paris, 477.— Makes peace with the king of Navarre, 478.—Enters Paris, 484.—Lays fiege to Melun, 509.—Collects a force to drive the Englifh out of Champagne, 512.—Refufes to ratify the peace concluded between king John and the Englifh, 519.—Declines to accept the chal-lenge of the king of England, 553.—Endeavours to make peace with him, 556.—