Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Mum, the town of, ' hi Galicia, forTenden to the Duke of Lancafter, III. 375. Murray, the earl of, captured by the Englifh at the battle of NeviPs Croft, I. 346% Musgrave, fir Thomas, defeated and captured by the Scots at MelroferII. 225.
Najara, the town of, taken by the Prince of Wales, I. 739» Namur, fir Philip de, (lain at Dendremonde, IL 437.
Namur, lord Robert de» does homage to the king of England before Calais, L 355.—Promiffe* to affift him againft France, 851 •—Joins the Englifh forces, under the duke of Lancafter, before Tournehem, 11. 2.—Defeats à party of the French in a fkirmifh, 16*
Namur, fir Williatn de, gives the town of Sluys to the duke of Burgundy, in exchange for the country of Bethune, III. 26«
Nantes, the town of, taken by the lord Charles of Blois, I. i8j«—Befieged by Edward the third, 236.—Surrenders to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, H. 146.—Befieged by the capl of Buckingham, 403.
Naples, Joan, queen of, furrenders her dominions to pope Clement, If. 302« Narbonne, the vifcount de, captured by the free companies before Montaubon, I. 701. Naval engagement, before Sluys, between the navies of France and England, 1.141^—Be*-
tween the Spaniards and the EnglHh under king Edward the third, 389.—Off tbe ifland of
Bas in Brktany, between the Englifh and Flemings, IL 91.—Before La Rochelle, between
the earl of Pembroke and the Spaniards, soo. Navarete, in Spain, the battle o£ between the prince of Wales and don Henry of Caftife,
I. 729.
Navarre, Charles, king of, lands with a huge army at Cherbourg, L402.—Arrejled by the king of France, 408.—Efcapes from the caftle of AHeres, 470.—Makes peace with the duke of Normandy, 471 .—Harangues die Parifiant, &—Deftroys many of tbe infamous Jacquerie of Beauvoifis, 474.—Dedares war againft France, 486*—Take* several town* and fbrtrefltt in France, 488, 496.-*» Makes peace with the duke of Normandy, 510.— Declares war againft him, 541.—Makes war on France, 602.—Makes peace with the king of France, 668.—Enters into alliance wkh don Pedro of Caftile, 688.—Conducts tbe prince of Wales and don Pedro to Pampeluna, 713*—Enters into an alliance with the king of England, 8x0.—Makes peace with the king of France, II. 46, X85.—Applies to king Richard of England for affiftance againft the king of France, 237.—Enters into an alliance with him in England, 238.—Solicits aid from the Englifh at Bourdeaux to raife the fiege of Pampeluna, 264^—Concludes a peace with the king of Spain, 277 •—His extraordinary death, III. 561.
2X2 Navarre,