Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Malvmjln, the caftle of, taken by tbe duke of Anjou, III. 100. Manaarant, the caftle of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 256. Manners of the Englifh and Gafcons in the time of Froiflart, III. 208. Manny, fir Giles, killed before Cam bray, I. 115.
'Manny, fir Walter, makes an incarfion into France, L 93.—Sent with an Englifh force into Brittany, to the affiftance of the countefs of Montford, 203.—Arrives at Hennebon, 20Çd—Retakes the caftle of Conquet, 212.—Defeats the lord Lewis of Spain, at Quim-perle, 216.—Takes the caftle of Goy la Foret, 217*—Accompanies the earl of Derby into Gafcony, 262.—Finds the fepulchre of his father at La Reole, 271.—Defeats the French under fir Geoffrey de Chargny, before Calais, 379.—Dies in London, II. 96.
Manny, fir Courageous de, left for dead at the battle of Nogent fur Seine, but recovers,
I- S»5- S • ' \ •
Manie, the town of, taken by the French under the lord de Boucicaut, I. 616.
Marans, the town of, in the Rochellois, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 127.
Marcel, Aimerigot, takes the caftle of Cafluriel, and other places, in Auvergne, IL 295, et feq.—Takes by furprife the caftle of Marquel, 701.—Fortifies himfelf in La Roche Vandais, IV. 178.—Befieged by the vifeount de Meaux, 181.—Sends to England to folicit the duke of Lancafter for affiftance, 185.—During his abfence at Perigprd, his fort fur-renders, 199.—Betrayed by a relative, to whom he had applied for an afylum, 202.— Beheaded at Paris, 205. % '
Marcel, Etienne, provoft of the merchants of Paris, kills three knights in the apartment of t the regent, I. 469.—Builds a wall round Paris, 475.—Killed by John MaiUart while .at-tempting to betray the city to the Englifh and Navarrois, 488. •
March, the earl of, taken prifoner by the Englifh at the battle of Ncvil's Crofs, I. 346.
Mar chiennes, the monaftery of, taken by the Hainauhers, I. 162.
Marchville, the caftle of, taken by the duke of Burgundy, I. 639.
Mark/ John de, unjuftly executed at Paris, II. 658.
Margaret, countefs of Hainault, takes poflèffion of that country, as her inheritance, after
the death of Earl William, I. 285. Margaret, of Hungary, married by procuration to Louis de Valois, III. 15.—Forcibly
married by Henry de Blancquefort, brother of the emperor of Germany, 31. Marncil, fir Raymond de, turns to the French intereft, II. 34.—Taken prifoner by the
Englifh, 76—Makes his efcape, 77. Marquai, the caftle of, in Auvergne, taken by Aimerigot Marcel, IL 701. Marriage, concluded between the children of Burgundy and thofe of Hainault,; II. 738. . Marjhal, the earl, of England, challenges the earl of Derby in the prefence of king
Richard, IV. 595.—Banifhed the kingdom, 603.—Dies at Venice, 691.
: St.
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