Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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St. Maubert, the fort of, taken by the Engiifh under the lord Neville, IL »57.
Maubui, the lord, beheaded at Rouen, L 408.
Mauconfeil, the caftle of, taken by the king of Navarre! L 487 #—Befieged by the duke of
Normandy, 489.—Razed to the ground, 517» Maudurant, Geronnet de, captured by fir John de Bonnelance, III. 568.—Taken to Mont-
ferrante, 570 •—Ranfomed, 57a.—Gains pofieffion of the town of Montferrante tor Peter
le Bearnois, 580.
Maulion, le Baftot de, relates his adventures to Froiflart, at Orthes, III. 137. Manny, fir Oliver de, makes the king of Navarre prifoner, L 716.
Su Maur, the abbey of, on the Loire, taken by the Engiifh under the earl of Pembroke,
• IL 20.
Mauvoujin, lord de, captured by fir Robert Knolles, II. 389.
Maxwell, fir John, captures fir Ralph Percy at the battle of Otterbourn, IV. 15.
St. Macabre, the town of, furrenders to the duke of Anjou, II. 207.
Melrvfc, the abbey of, deftroyed by Richard the Second, III. 42.
Melun, the town of, on the Seine, befieged by the duke of Normandy, I. 509.—The fiege raifed, 511.
Melval, lord Louis de, taken prifoner at the battle of Poitiers, 1.435.
Menftrewortb, fir John, with his followers, quits the army of fir Robert Knolles, II. 71.—
Executed in London, 90. Mercier, fir John le, one of the minifters of Charles the Sixth of France, committed to
prifon during the regency of the duke of Burgundy, IV. 355.—His property con-
fifcated, 360.—Releafed from prifon, 448. Mefclin, the little, captain of fome free companies, put to death at Luxembourg, III. 544. Mculon, the town of, taken by the French under the lord de Bouckaut, I. 616. Mi/baud, the caftle of, in Rouerge, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 88. Mirabeau, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, L 337.
Miraculous appearances, faid to have been feen by the Saracens during the fiege of Africa, IV. 218.
Miraumont, the caftle of, taken by the duke of Normandy, I. 287. Mirepoix, the lord of, flain before Bergerac, L 252.
Moniffac, the town of, in Quercy, taken by the Engiifh under fir John Chandos, L 820.—
Surrenders to the duke of Anjou, II. 48. Moncontour, the caftle of, taken by the Engiifh, II. 85.—Retaken by fir Bertrand du Guef
clin, IL 113.
Monmorillon, the caftle of, in Poitou, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 111. Monjac, the town of, taken by the duke of Anjou, IL 164.