Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Lorris, fir Lancelot de, mortally wounded at Cherbourg, 11. 293.
Louis, de Valois, marries, by procuration, Margaret of Hungary, III. 15.
Lourde, the caftle of, befieged by the duke of Anjou, III. 112.
——, the garrifon of, take feveral places in France, III. 86, et feq.
Louvaine, fir Nicholas, governor of Abbville, taken prifoner by fir Hugh de ChatiUon#
• I- 793*
Louvier, the town of, taken by the Englifh under Edward the Third, 1. 310.
Luna, the cardinal de, eleâtd pope at Avignon, under the title of Benediâ, IV. 399.
Lujignan, the town of, in Poitou, burnt by the earl of Derby, I. 337.—Surrenders to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 137.
Lujignan, king of Cyprus, arrives at Avignon, L 598.—Vifits Germany to exhort the em-peror to join the crufade againft the Saracens, 6co.—Vifits the king of Navarre, 603.— Endeavours to prevail on the king of England to put on the crofs, 60c—Goes to Aquitaine to folicit the prince of Wales to do the fame, 607.—Returns to Paris, 624.—Aflàfli-nated by his brother, HI. 212.
Luffac, the town and caftle of, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IL 110.
Luxembourg, fir Peter de, his body faid to (hew miraculous powers, III. 559.
Luzumont, the caftle of, in Brittany, taken by, fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 142.
Lyon, John, a citizen of Ghent, revives the cuftoms of the Whitehoods, II. 313—In-ftigates the men of Ghent to demand of the earl of Flanders the prefervation of their franchifes, 315.—Burns and pillages the caftle of Andreghein, belonging to the earl, 324. —Dies at Ardembourg, 329.
Lyon, fir Efjaing du, accompanies Froifiart to Beam, and relates to him many particulars relative to the wars in Guienne, &e. 111. 86.
,S#. Make, the town of, in Brittany, furrenders to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 143. Maillart, John, a citizen of Paris, prevents the city being betrayed by the provoft of mer-chants, I. 483.
Majorca, James king of, applies to the prince of Wales for his afiiftance againft the king of Arragon, I. 703.—Accompanies the prince and don Pedro into Spain, 713.—Taken prifoner at Valladolid, by king Henry of Caftille, 760.—Ranfomed by his wife, the queen of Naples, II. 92.—Makes war on the king of Arragon, 93.—Dies at Val di Soria, tk
St. Maixant, the town of, in Poitou,, taken by the duke of Berry, II. 125.
Maleval, the lord Je, turns to the French intereft, II. 34.
St. Malo, the town of, furrenders to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IL 142.—Befieged by the duke of Lancafter, 246.