Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Lewis, the lord, of Spain, raifes the fiege of Hennebon, I. ax I.—Takes the town of Dînant, 211.—Defeated at Quimperie by fir Walter Manny, I. aiô^*—Engages lord Robert d'Artois at fea, 229.
Libourne, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 260«
.Liege, the bifhop of, endeavours to make peace between the earl of Flanders and the bifhop
of Norwich, II. 682. lieux, the town of, taken by the earl of Qerhy, I. 256.
Lignac, fir Helion de, fent to treat with the duke of Lancafter for the marriage of his daugh-ter to theihike of Berry, IIL 614.
Lignac, fir William de, fenefchal of Saintonge, takes the caftle of Aigle, IIL 4.—Accom-panies the duke of Bourbon to the affiftance of the king of Caftille, 364.—Arrives at Burgos, 399.
Limges, the town of, furrenders to the duke of Berry, IL 61.—Taken by ftofm by the
prince of Wales, 68. . Linde, the town of, befieged by the duke of Anjou, II. 50«—Delivered by the captai of Buch, 51.
Linieres, fir Maubrun de, dies at Noya, III. 516.
Lionel, earl of Ulfter, created duke of Clarence, I. 596.—Marries the daughter of the lord
Galeas of Milan, 754.-»—His death, 770. Lijbon, the city of, befieged by the king of Caftille, IIL 159.
Lijle, the earl of, makes war in Gafcony for the king of France, I. 149.—Re-captures Aqui-taine, Mj—Befieges Auberoche, 260.—Taken prifoner by the earl of Derby, 262*
Si. Lo, the town of, taken by the Englifh under king Edward, L 304.
London, the bifhop of, appointed to accompany the duke of Lancafter in an expedition againft Spain, II. 664.
Londoners, the, diflatisfied with king Richard and his council, apply to the duke of Gloucefter to take upon him the government of the realm, IIL 465.—Wait upon the king at Windfor to lay their grievances before him, and to demand redrefe, 467.—Prevail upon the king to fix a day to examine into the conduit of thofe who had had the management of the finances, 469.—Defeat the duke of Ireland and the king's forces, near Oxford, 494.—Wait upon the king, at the inftigation of the duke of Gloucefter, to demand the repeal of the taxes which had been impofed to carry on the war with France, 551.—Take part with the earl of Derby in his quarrel with the carl marfhal, 599.—Rife in favour of the earl of Derby againft Richard the Second, 637.—Send the archbifhhop of Canterbury to France to bring back the earl of Derby, 640.
Longueval, fir William de, takes the caftle of Mont Paon, II. 79.—Surrenders it to the duke of Lancafter, 8j. •
Lorraine, the duke of, flain at the battle of Crecy, L 328.