Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Makes a trace with them9 481.—Refuted admiffion into Berwick Caftle, &ettrrns to Scotland with the earl of Douglas, 483.—Sent for by king Richard, 486*—Offended with the earl of Northumberland, 488.—Appeafed by the king, 489.—Obtains an army to make war on Caftille, III. 265.—Embarks for Portugal, 266.—Foroes the French-to wife the blockade of Breft, 271.—Arrives at Corunna, 274.—Takes the town of St. Iago de Compoftefla and feveral others in Galicia, 277, et ^7.—Makes war on Arragpn, 349.— Marries his-daughter, the lady Philippa, to the king of Portugal, 378.—Takes the towns of Entença, 384, et y%9—Soiêns greatly from the heat of the climate, 500.—Forms a junction with the king of Portugal, 502.—Pafles the Douro, 503.—Difpirhcd by the lick nefs of himfelf and army, 507.—Difbands his men, 509.—Obtains permiffion from the king of Caftille for them to recruit their health in his towns, 511.—Quits Galicia and returns to Bayonne, 529.—Applies to England for frefh a$ftance, 592.«—Betreths his daughter Catharine to the infanta of Spain, 619.—Makes peace with the king of Caf-tille, 649d—Marries his daughter the lady Catharine to the infanta, IV. 66.—Receives the duchy of Aquitaine as a gift from king Richard and his council, IV. 404.—Embarks for Aquitaine, 406.—Ordered to return in confequence of the remonftrances of the towns ot Aquitaine againft the king's gift, 435.—Marries his concubine, Catharine Swineford, 472. —Offended with king Richard for the murder of the duke of Gioucefter, 587.—Makes peace with him, 588»—His death, 624. Landas, the lord of, flain at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435.
Langon, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 256.-*Surrenders to the duke of • Anjou, II. 165.
Langurant, the lord de, captured by the duke of Anjou, II. 200.—Turns to the French in-
tcreft, 203.—Mortally wounded at Cadillac, 280. Launoy, John de, one of the commanders of the men of Ghent, flain at the church of
Nivelé, II. 442. Lauton, fir John, flain before La Rochelle, II. 104.
Le Clerc, Arnoul, one of the commanders of the men of Ghent, defeats a party of the
Flemifh nobility at Oudenarde, II. 446.—Defeated and flain at Bercham, 448. Leon, king of Armenia, arrives in France, after lofing his dominions, III. 210.—Relieved
by the king of France, 222.—His death, 223, note.— Endeavours to negociate a peace
between the kings of France and England, 331. Leon, fir Hervé de, captured before Vannes, I. 238.—Liberated by king Edward, 246-—
Dies at Paris, 248.
Letter, from Edward the Black Prince to the bifhop of Worcefter, after the battle of
Poitiers, I. 449, note. Letter, fent by the king of England to Aquitaine, II. 35.