Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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I.N D E X.
Knights Bannerets, an account of their title and rank, I. 46, note.
Knights of the Garter, the order inftitufcd at Windfor by Edward the Third, I. 045.—The
names of the firft knights, ib. note* Knights of the Hare, the origin of their title, Ï» 109. Knights of the Star, the firft of that order, I. 395.
Knolles, fir Robert, commands a troop of the free companies in Normandy, L 469.—Makes - an tncurfioo into Berry and Auvergne, 523.—Goes to the'affiftance of the prince of , Wales, 815.—-Appointed captain of the prince of Wales's companies, 816.—Summoned to England by king Edwatd, II. 43.—-Leads an army into Picardy, 53.—Enters into a compofition to fave the country from being pillaged, 55.—Defeated at Pont Valin by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, 71.—Retreats into Brittany, 73.—Some account of hit life, 89, note.—Incurs the difpleafure of the king of England, 90.—Reinftated in his favour, ik— Appointed governor of Brittany, 143.—Captures the lord de Mauvoifin, II. 389.
Lac Le, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 256. Lacy, fir Stephen, made prifoner at Athenis, in France, I. 289. Lamb florins, firft coined, I. 402.
Lambe, John, affafltoates Evan of Wales at Mortmain-fur-mer, II. 249.
Lancafter, Thomas, earl of, beheaded through the enmity of fir Hugh Spencer, I. 7.
Lancafter, Henry, earl of, brother of the former, joins the parly of queen Ifahella againft Edward the Second and the Spencers, L 18.
Lancafter, the duke of, fon of earl Henry, lands in Coutantin to affift Philip of Navarre againft the king of France, I. 409.—Takes the town of Verneuil, ib.—Befieges Rennes, 462.—Leads a large army into Picardy, 526—Perfuades the king of England to make peace with the duke of Normandy, 557.—Dies of the plague, 592, and note.
Lancafter, John of Gaunt, duke of, his creation, I. 596.—Embarks with a large army for Aquitaine, 707.—Leads a large army into France, 831.—Returns to England, II. 162.— Embarks with a large force for Aquitaine, 48.—Appointed governor of Aquitaine, 78. —Takes Mont Paon, 81.—Marries the lady Confiance, daughter of don Pedro of Caf-tille, 94.— Returns to England, 96.—Leads an army through France to Bourdeaùx, 150, et feq.—Enters into a truce with the French, and returns to England, 176.—Made; regent of England, during the minority of Richard the Second, 180.—Heads an army into Brittany, 188.—Befieges St. Malo, ib. 246.—Abandons the fiege, 260.—Informed of the death of don Henry, king of Caftille, 282.—Sent to treat with the Scots, 457.—
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