Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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cafter to Tend hit men into Caftille to recruit their health, 51X*—Regains pofleffion of Galicia after the departure of the duke of Lancafter, 592.—Seeds arabaflàdon to the duke of Lancafter, to demand # his daughter for the infanta of Spain, 617.—Makes peace with the duke, 649.—Marries his fon to the lady Catherine of Lancafter, IV. 70.—Hit death, 250.
John, don, the baftard, grand matter of the order of Avis, declared king of Portugal, II. 537. III. 77, 229.—Sends ambafiadors to England to foltcit the alliance of Richard the Second, 152.—Raifes an army to make war on the king of Caftille, 156.—Defeats him at the battle of Aljubarota, 178.—Enters into a truce with him, 187.—Sends ambafiadors to folicit the afiiftance of the duke of Lancafter, 234.—Receives favourable anfwers, 265. —Writes friendly letters to the duke of Lancafter on his arrival in Galicia, 295.—Has an interview with him, 308.—Marries the lady Philippa, daughter of the duke of Lan-cafter, 377.—Takes the field againft the king of Caftille, 442.—Burns the town of Santaren, 444.—Takes Ferrol, 447.—Forms a junâion with the duke of Lancafter at Orenfe, 502.—Difmiflcs his army, 516.
John of Gaunt, earl of Richmond, created duke of Lancafter, L 596.
Jobn friar, de la Rochtaillade, delivers an apologue before the cardinals concerning the papacy, III. 227.
Joigny, the carl of, captured by the prince of Wales, L 418.—Taken prifoner at the battle of Auray, 657.
Joigny, the lord Raoul de, taken prifoner by the prince of Wales, I. 418. Joinville, the fort of, taken by the free-booting companies, I. 578.
Jouel, fir John, joins the king of Navarre, I. 617.—Slain at the battle of Cocherel in Normandy, 634.
Jouy, the count de, burnt to death at a mafked dance at Paris, IV. 375.
Jugon, the town of, taken by the lord Charles of Blois through treachery, I. 224.—Retaken
by the lord John de Montford, 663.—Surrenders to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 142. St. Julien, Louis it, takes the town of Chatelhcraut, II. 37.
Julien, the duke of, promifes afiiftance to the king of England againft France, I. 807.— Defeats the duke of Brabant with great {laughter, III. 541.—Makes his peace with the em-
- peror, 550.—Makes his fubmiffion to the king of France, IV. 32.—Makes peace between the duke of Gueldres and the king of France, 43.
Juliers, William count de, made duke of Gueldres, III. 542.
Kent, the earl of, beheaded through the jealoufy of fir Robert Mortimer, I. 55. Knights Bachelors, the fignification of their title, L 164, note.