Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Ifahella, daughter of Charles the Sixth, betrothed to Richard the Second of England, IV, 467.—Delivered to him by king Charles at Ardres9 511.—Married to him at Calais, 51a*
Jacquerie, the rife of an infamous body of men in Beauvoifis under this appellation, I. 472.
—Their atrocities, 473.—A large number of them deftroyed by the king of Navarre,
474,—Tboafand8 of them fiain at Meaux by the earl of Foix and the captai of Buch, 476. James, king of Cyprus, interefts himfelf to obtain the liberation of John of Burgundy and
his companions, who were prifoners in Turkey, IV. 561. St. Jean a"Jngely, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, L 395.—Surrenders to the
French, II. 122. Jews, perfecuted through Europe, I. 392.
John, fon of Philip of Valois, crowned king of France,. I» 394.—Makes his public entry into Paris, ib.—Prevents a combat between the duke of Lancafter and the duke of Erunfwick, 397^—Takes poieffion of the lands of the king of Navarre in Normandy, 401. —Coins florins of gold, which were called lamb florins, 402.—Marches an army againft the king of England, 404.—Gives the duchy of Normandy to his eldeft fon, the dauphin of Vienne, 405.—Arrefts the king of Navarre, 407.—Marches an army againft the duke of Lancafter, 409.'—Colleéb an army to oppofe the prince of Wales, 410.—Defeated and taken prifoner at the battle of Poitiers,. 437.—Surrenders to the prince of Wales, 444s. —Embarked for England, 459.—Rides through London, 460.—Confined in Windfor caftle, ib.—Enters into a treaty with the king of England and the prince of Wales, 519. —The French council refufe to ratify it, 519.—Sent to the Tower of London, 528.-— Obtains his liberty, and returns to France, 565.—Magnificently entertained at Paris, 575. —Quarrels with the king of Navarre, 593.—Vifits the pope at Avignon, ib.—Puts on the crofs, 599.—Returns to England, 609.—His death, 613.—Buried at St. Denis, 619. -—See alfo 620, note.
John, don, fon of Henry de Traftamare, crowned king of Caftille, II. 277.—Makes war on Portugal, 454.—Takes the field againft the king of Portugal and the earl of Cam-bridge, 532.—Makes peace with the king of Portugal, 534.—Marries his daughter, 537. —Sends his defiance to the new king of Portugal, and raifes an army to make war on him, III. 79, 246.—Befieges Liibon, 79, 247.—Applies to the king of France for aififtance, 8i.—Abandons the fiege of Lifbon, 159.—Takes the field againft the king of Portugal, 167.1—Defeated with great laughter, at the battle of Aljubarota, 178.—Enters into a truce with the king of Portugal, 187.—Applies to France for alMance againft the • king of Portugal and the duke of Lancafter, 296.—Grants pcrmiffion to the duke of Lan-
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