Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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i96 INDE X.
jaeet, IV. 458*—Croffcs -the Danube with -a large army, accompanied by John of Bur-gundy and his forces, 474^—Takes the town of Comeâe by ftorm, 476.—Befieges Nicopoli, 477.—His army defeated by Bajazet, 51$. Huntingdon, the earl of, proclaims a tournament at Oxford with tbe view of -murdering king Henry IV. IV. 683—Slain at Cirenceftcr, 685.
Su Iago de Compoflella,ù\t town of, in Galicia, taken by the duke of Lancafter, III. 277.
St. Inglevere, tournament held there by three French knights againft all comers, IV. 107.
Innocent the Sixth, pope, eleâed at Avignon, I. 397.—Endeavours to make peace between the kings of France and England, and the kings of France and Navarre, 416.—Orders.* croifade to be preached againft the free companies, 588.—His death, 594.
Infurreclion in Paris againft Charles the Sixth, II. 502. -'at Rouen, II. 504.
-, general, in England, in favour of the earl of Derby againft Richard the Second, IV. 636.
Interview between the king of Portugal and the duke of Lancafter, III. 540.
between the kings of France and England at Ardres, IV. 511.
Ireland, the earl of Oxford created duke of, III. 347.—Incurs the hatred of the people of England, -409.—Obtains a divorce from his wife, the lady Philippa, 412.—Endeavours to counteract the meafures of the commiffioners of accounts and the new council of ftate, 470.—•Marches from Briftol towards London as lieutenant for the king, 481.—Defeated near Oxford.by the Londoners, under the duke of Gloucefter, 492.—Flies the kingdom, 493.—Invited to France, 598-—Ordered thence, IV. 93.
Irijh, their manners and mode of warfare, IV. 427.
Ifabella, queen of Edward fhe Second, declared ineligible to the crown of France, I. 6.— Incurs the hatred of fir Hugh Spencer, 7.—Lays her grievances before her brother, Charles the Fourth of France, and folicits his advice* and affiftance, 9.—Commanded to quit France, 12.—Lands in England with a confiderable force, and is joined by the Englifh barons, 17.—Takes'her hufband prifoner atHriftdl, 21.—Confines him in Berkeley caftle, 21.—Enters London amidft great rejoicings, 22.—Obtains the coronation of her fon Edward the Third, 24.—rfSufpeâcd of being pregnant by fir Roger Mortimer, 56.—Com-mitted to prifon by order of the council, 56.—Dies in London, 596.
Ifabella, daughter of Edward the Third of England, betrothed to Lewis earl of Flanders,
Ifabella, the lady, of Bavaria, married to' Charles the Sixth of France, III. 23.—Makes her public entry into Pari», IV. 75.