Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Cimes oh the wir in Normandy for the king of England, 454.—Defeated and flain at the battle of Coutaiitin, 457. ' . *
Harcourt, fir John, returns to France from England, where he had been at hoftage for king • Jdhii,: 1:783.-.
Harlefione, fir William, appointed governor of Cherbourg, II. 190.—Defeats a body of
French troops under fir William de Bourdes, whom he captures,-192- HarJUy,. William de, a phyfician of France, cures king Charles the Sixth of France of his
firft derangement, IV. 367-—Dies-at Laon, 368-Harzelle,. Rafle de, chofen one of*the commanders of the "Whitehoods of Ghent, II. 330.
—Takes feveral towns in Flauders,. 430, et feq.—Killed in an engagement with the earl
of Flanders, 441. Hafpres, the town of, burnt hy the French, I. 116.
Hawkwood, fir John,, an Englifh,commander, enters intathe fetvice of Urban the Sixth in Italy, II. 306.
Helly, fir James de, taken prifoner by the Turks at the battle of Nicopoli, IV. 519.—Sent to France with information of the defeat of the army of John of Burgundy, 524.—Obtains his liberty,. 533.—Returns to France,. 542*
Henmbm, the town of§ in Brittany, taken by the earl of Montford, as duke of Brittany, I. .177.—Befieged by the lord Charles of Blois, 204.—Taken by fir Bertrand du Guef-clin, II. 144.
Henry the Fourth, of England, crowned during the life-time of Richard the Second,
IV. 668.
Henry de Traflamare3 enters Caftille with a large army to dethrone his brother don Pedro, £ 674.—Acknowledged and crowned king, of Caftille by the Spaniards, 677*—Takes sneafures to oppofe don Pedro and the prince "of Wales, 691.—Defeated at the battle of Navarete, 728.—jEfcapes to Arragon, 736*—Makes war on the prince of Wales in Aquitaine, 745.—Makes war on don Pedro, affiftcd by the king of Arragon, 759.— Defeats don Pedro near Mon tie!, 765.—Puts him to death, 768.—Obtains the fubmifiipn of Caftille, 769*—Enters into alliance with the king of France, 1L 95-—Makes war on the king of Navarre, 186.—Concludes a peace with htm, 276.—His death, 277.
Henry, the infant of Spain, marries the daughter of the duke of Lancafter, HL 619*— Crowned king of Caftille, 250;
Herielle, the caftle of, taken by the king of Navarre, I. 487V
Hèlknd, fir John, kills lord Ralph Staflbrd; 1U. 39.
Hoftages, fent to England for king John of France, I. 573.
Huet, fir Walter, killed jna fkirmilh in Brittany, IL 155,.
Hungary, the king of, applies to the court of France, for affiftance againft the fultan Ba- * « \ . jaxet,