Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Leads m army into Spain, 674.—Appointed'conftaMe of Caftille, 678.—Goes to the affiftance of Henry of Caftille againft don Pedro and the prince of Wales, 711.— Taken
• at the battle of Navarete, 737.—Obtains his ranfooi, 754.—Joins king Henry before Toledo, 762.—Again appointed conftableof Spain, 769.—Joins the du'.e of Anjou in an
• expedition againft the prince of Wales, II..47.—Invades the vifcounty of Limoges, 65. —Takes the town of Yrier, 66.—Appointed conftahle of «France, 69.—Defeats the forces of fir Robert Knolles at Font-valin, 7*.-r-Takes the caftle of Monmorillon and feveral other places in Poitou, no, et feq.—Heads an army againft Brittany, 141.—Takes the 4 town of Rennes and feveral others, 142, et feq.—Sent withe large army againft the King of Navarre, 185.—Makes war on Brittany, 292.—Dies at Auvergne, 359.—-The etymology
-• of hisname, 455.—See alfo 457, note.
Guefclin, fir*01iver du, made prifoner by the garrifon of Cherbourg, Jl. 263.
Guignes, the town of, *aken by the Engiifh, I. 396. .
Gmncasnp, the town of, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 143.
Gui/lelles, the lord de, appeafes an infurrecTian at Bruges againft the French troops, III. 337.
Hainault, the country of, invaded by the French, % 113, 125.—-In danger of being pillaged by the Bretons belonging to the army of Charles the Sixth, of France, II. 649.
Hainault, fir John of, offers his affiftance to Ifabella, queen of Edward the Second, I. 13. Efcorts her to England, 16.—Affifts her at the ftege of Briftol, 18.—Affifts the king of England in an expedition againft the Scots, 26.—His territories invaded by the king of France, 113.—Appointed governor of Hainault during the abfencc of the earl in Eng-land, I2i.—Quits the allegiance of England for that of France, 285.
Hainault, William earl of, father of Philippa, queen of England, his death, I. Sr.
Hainault, William earl of, fon of the above, fends his defiance to the king of France, 1.118.—Takes the town of Aubenton, &c. 120.—Vifits England, 120.-—Gc many, 134. —Returns to Hainault, 136.—Afiëmbles a large army to raife the fiege of Thin l'Eveque, ' 136.^Burns the towns of Seclin, and Orchies, I. 148, 162, &c.—Takes the town of St. Amand, 160.—Utrucht, 284.—Slain in Friefland, 285.
Hainault, the count of, raifes an army to invade Friefland, IV. 495.—Overruns the country, and difbands his forces, 5c6.
Harcourt, the earl of, beheaded at Rouen, 1. 408.
Harcourt, the young earl of, makes peace with the duke of Normandy, I. 511. Harcourt, fir Godfrey de, banifhed from France, 1.478.—Accompanies the king of England in an expedition into Normandy, 299.—Created one of the marfhals of his army, 300«— ' Defeats a body of men from Amiens on their march to join the king of France, 309.—