Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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earl of,]1 his creation. III. 341(Confederates with the duke of York and others againft Richard the Second and his council, 461.—Defeats the king's forces, under the duke: of Ireland, near Oxford, 492*—Thwarts the king inr his intentions of making peace with the king* of France* IV. 26^5.—Plots the dfeftru&ion of the king, 542.—Inftigates the Londoners' to petition fora repeal of the war taxes, 547.—Arretted by. order of the king, 559.—Put to death at Calais, 584. Godinos, a valiant (quire of Auvergne, killed by a wood-cutter, whom* he was leading away prifoner, IV. 38»
Gomgines, the lord of, defeated and taken prifoner on«hjs way to join, the king of England before Rheims, L 730.
Goodman, James, chofen leader of the infamous Jacquerie of Beauvoifis, L 473.—His exe-cution, 477, note.
Go/ la Foret, the caftle of, taken by fir Walter Manny,. L 217.'—Surrenders to fir Bertrand • du Guefclin, IL 143..
Gramat, the town of, taken by fir John* Chandos, k 8221.
Grammont, the town of, in Flanders, taken by the lord d'Anghein, II. 494«
Grave, the town of, befieged by the Brabanters, III. 637.
Gravelines, the town of, taken by the bifhop of Norwich, IL 667.
Gravilie, the lord of,, beheaded at Rouen, L408.
——, fir W- reconquers Evreux from the king of France, L 464.
Gregory the Eleventh, pppe,dcéled at Avignon, II. 74^-Endeavoursto make peace between
the kings of France and England, 158.—Removes to Rome, i 79.—His death, 230. Griffith, a WeHhman, commands a troop of the free companies, and pillagçs feveral places
in France, L 468.
Gris, James le,, killed in a duel at Paris,, by fir John de Carogne, I1L 346* Gueldres, the duke of, promifes to affift the king of England againft France,, I. 806. —Enters into an alliance with England, IIL 432*—Sends an infulting defiance to the king of France, ik—Endeavours to obtain pofleffion of three caftles belonging to his duchy, which had been fold to the duke of Brabant, 554.—Keeps pofleffion of Grave, 602.-— Defeats.the Brabanters at the bridge of Raveftein, 638.—Makes peace with the king of France and the duchefs of Brabant, IV. 44.—Taken prifoner in Pruflia, 57.—Delivered by the Teutonic knights, 58.—Returns to Pruffia to keep his faith with his capto, and obtains his liberty, it.
Guerrande% the town of, taken by the forces of the lord Charles of Blois, L 21%.
Guefclin^ fir Bertrand du,., chofen commander of the French forces in Normandy, L 627.—. Defeats the forces of the king of Navarre at the battle of Cocherel, 634.—Obtains poffeflion of the caftle of Roulleboife, 636.—Goes to the affiftance of the lord Charles of Blois, 6*44.—Taken prifoner at the battle of Auray, 657.—Ranfomed, 672.—