Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Scotland, 198.—Invades England a fécond time, 339.—Defeated and taken prifoner at Nevil's Crois, 344*—Sent to the Tower of London, 349.—-Liberated by a treaty of peace, 46' to England to meet the king of Cyprus, 605.—F into a truce
with the king of England, IL 5a.—His death, 140. Bruges, the town of, enters into an alliance with the men of Ghent, IL 319.—Taken by the men of Ghent, 556.—Its gates and walls démoli(hed, 565*—Submits to the mercy of the king of France, after the defeat of the men of Ghent under Philip von ArtavçM, 645. Brums, lord Bartholomew de, captured at the battle of Poitiers, I. 438.
Brux, the town of, taken by the Engiifh under fir JaméfrAudiey, L 815.
Bucb, the captai of, defeats the infamous Jacquerie of Beauvoifis, with great flaughterr I. 476.—Takes the town of Clermont, in Beauvoifis, 496.—Joint the king of Na-vaire, 512.—Captured at the battle of Codierel, in Normandy, 632.—Makes peace between the kings of France and Navarre, and ^obtains his liberty, 668«—Prevents the town of Lourde from being given up to the French, IL 50.—Taken by the French at Soubife, 120.—Imprifoned in the Temple at Paris, 128.—His death, 247.
Buckingham, the earl of, appointed to the command of an army to go to the affiftance of the
• duke of Brittany, II. 362.—Arrives at Calais, and marches into France, 363*—Burnt and defpoils the country of Champagne, 371.—Overruns the countries of Gatinois and Beauce, 381 .—Croies the Sarte with great difficulty, 390.—Arrives at Vannes, in Brit-tany, greatly difistisfied with the condoâ of the duke of Brittany, 396.—-Befieges Nantes, 403.—Rcmonftrates with the duke of Brittany for net having joined him, 405, 407.—Raifet the fiege of Nantes, 410.—-Arrives at Vannes, 412.—Returns to England in difguft, 424.—Sufpefted of favouring the rebellion of Wat Tyler and Jack Straw, 466. —Created duke of Gioucefter, HI. 341.—[For the remaining particulars of this prince, fee Gioucefter, duke of.]
Bucq, fir John de, admiral of Flanders, defeated and captured by the Engiifh fleet under the earl of Arundel, III. 365.—Dies in London, 370.
Budes, Silvefter, makes war on the Romans on the behalf of pope Clement, II. 298.— Beheaded at Mafcon, 306.
Buffiere, the lord Pierre de, captured at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435.
Burgberjh, fir Bartholomew, takes the caftle of Cormicy, in Champagne, I. 545.
Burgundy, Philip duke of, enters into a compofition with Edward the Third to fpare his duchy, in his march through France, I. 550.—His death, 592.
Burgwufy, Philip (fon of king John c€ France) duke of, his creation, I. 635.—Sent againft the free companies into- Cause, &c. 637.—Takes the caftle of Marcheville, and feveral other places in Beauce, 639, et feq.—Invades great part of the country of Montbelliard, 640»—-Takes the town of La Charité, 643 Appointed to the command of an army to