Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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go into Spam againft don Pedro, 673.—Enters Spain, 674.—Marries the daughter of the
. earl of Flanders, 808.—Appointed to the command of an armament againft England, 830.—Ordered to march againft the duke of Lancafter at Calais, 11. 1.—Takes the towns of Ardres and Ardvick, 83.—Makes peace between the earl of Flanders and the men of Ghent, 344.—Appointed governor of Picardy, 43c—Inftigates the king of France to make war on Flanders, 574.—Sends fuccours to the earl of Flanders to oppofe the bifhop of Norwich, 681 .—Obtains the town of Sluys in exchange for the country of Bethune, III. 25.—Makes peace with tbe men of Ghent, 54.—Sends forces to the affiftance of the duchels of Brabant, againft the duke of Gueldres, 565.—Goes to Blois to meet fhe duke of Brittany, 621.—Accompanies the king of France in his vifit to the pope at Avignon, 95. Ordered to return, to his great difiàtisfaâion, 97.—Appointed regent of France, during the derangement of Charles the Sixth, 347.—Treats fir Oliver de Clifibn, the conftable of • France, hardily, 354^—Arrefts feveral of the king's council, 355.
Murgmutyt John of, fon of the duke of Burgundy, appointed commander in chief of an ex-pedition againft the Turks, IV. 459.—Crofics the Danube with a large force, in company with the king of Hungary, 474.—Takes by ftorm the town of Comeâe, 4761—Befieges Nicopcdt, 477.—Defeated by the Turkifh army under the Sultan Bajazet, 518.—Taken prifoner, 522.—Obtains his ranfom, 565.—Returns to France, 578.
Barley, fir Simon, taken by the French, I. 801.—Sent to negotiate a marriage between Richard the Second and the daughter of Charles of Bohemia, emperor of Germany, II. 342.—Advifes the removal of the fhrine of St. Thomas from Canterbury to Dover caftle, by which he gives great offence, HI. ioi»—Committed to the Tower by order of the commiffionert of accounts, appointed to examine into bis conduâ during his ad-miniftration, 471.—Beheaded, 475.
Barley, fir Richard, fon of the above, dies in Caftille, III. 47$.
Cadillac, the town of, taken by ftorm, II. 208. Cadfant, the ifland of, taken by the Englifh, I. 83. Caen, the battle of, 1.306.
Caen, the town of, taken by Edward tbe Third, I. 307. Cabors, the town of, turns to the French intereft, I. 804.
Cabours, Raoul de, defeats the Englifh under fir Thomas Daggeworth in Brittany, I. 393.
Calais, the battle of, between the Englifh and French forces, I. 376.
Calais, the iowa of, befieged by Edward the Third, 1.332*—Surrenders to him, 363.