Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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obtain the liberation of her hnfliand from the duke of Julien, 149.—Sends amhaffadors to . folicit the affiftance of France againft the duke of Gueldres, 557.—Befieges Grave,
637.—Makes peace with the duke of Gueldres, JV. 43. Brabanters, the, befiege Grave, 111. 637.—Defeated with great daughter at the bridge of
Raveftein, 638.—Abandon the ficge of Grave, 641.—Refufe to permit the king of France
and his army to march through their country, 648. Br amber, fir Nicholas, beheaded by order of the duke of Gloucefter, III. 495. Brantôme, the town of, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IL 69.
Breflau, account of the curious MS. of Froiffiut's Chronicles in the Rehdigerian Library
at, MBM. 101, Ike.
Breft, the caftle of, taken by the earl of Montford as duke of Brittany, I. 174.—Befieged by the French under fir Bertrand du Guefclin, 139.«—Succoured by the earl of Saliflrory, 149.—Befieged by fir. Oliver de Clifton, IL 240.—Befieged a feopnd time by him,
IIL 195.
Breteuil, the caftle of, taken by the king of France, L 410.
Breufe, the vifeount de, captured by the prince of Wales at the battle of Poitien, I. 418. Brian, fir Guy, defeats a Flemi(b fleet off the ifle of Bas, on the coaft of Brittany, IL 91. Brignais, the caftle of, taken by the freebooting companies, I. 58a.
•, the battle of, between lord James of Bourbon and the freebooters, I. 584. Brimeu, the lord de, taken prifoner by the Engliih near Arras, II. 369* Brioude, the town of, furrenders to the French, IIL 150.
Briftol, befieged by Iiabella, queen of Edward the Second, to obtain poflfeflion of her hufband
and the two fir Hugh Spencers, I. 18.—Surrenders to her forces, 19, Brittany, John duke of, his death, I. 171.
Brittany, the duchy of, adjudged to the lord Charles of Blob by the parliament of Paris,
I. 183-
Brittany, duke of.—Vide Montford, John de.
Brittany, John of, fon of the lord Charles of Blois, • obtains his ranfom, after having been long imprifoned in England, III. 356.—Marries the daughter of fir Oliver de Clifibn,
Brittany, the lords of, undertake the wacdflbip of their young duke, on the death of bis
father John de Montford, IV. 688. Bruce, Robert, I. king of Scotland, defeats the Englifli under Edward the Second, at the battle of Bannockburn, I. 5.—Sends a defiance to Edward the Third, 25.—Invades Eng-land, 31.—His dying requeft to lord James Douglas, 48.—His death, 49. Bruce, David II. king of Scotland, retires to France, I. 88.—Enters into an alliance with • king Philip, 88.—Returns to Scotland, 191.—Affembles an army to invade England, m 192.—Takes the town of Durham, 194.—Befieges Wark caftle, 195.—-Returns to
2 A 2 Scotland,