Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Boucicaut, fir,-the younger, with two other French knights, holds a toumamentnear Calais againft all comers, IV. 100.
Boucicaut, the lord, taken prifoner by the Turks at the battle of Nioopoli, IV. 520;—Ob-tains his ranfom, 568.—Arrives at Venice, 573.—Appointed marfhal of France, 579.—» Obliges pope*Benedi£t to- fubmit to the emperor of Germany and the king of France, 619.—Sent to Hungary againft the Turks, 620.
Boule, John, a citizen of Ghent, appointed one of the captains of the Whitehoods in that city, II. 330.—Put to death by the men of Ghent, 433.
Bourbon, fir James de, captured by the Englifh, at the battle of Poitiers, I. 437.—Sent by the king of France to oppofe the free companies, 581.—Completely defeated by them at the battle of Brignais, 584.—His death, 585.
Bourbon, duke Peter de, flain at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435.
Bourbon, duke Louis de, takes the caftle of Belleperche, II. 43«—Heads an army into Poitou and Limoufin, III. 4.—Takes Montlieu in Saintonge, 6*—Befieges Tailiebourg, 7. —Takes Verteuil and returns to Paris, 33.—Appointed to the command of an army* to afiift the king of Caftile againft the duke of Lancafter, 364.—Arrives at Burgos, 522.—Returns to France, 524.—Magnificently entertained by the count de Foil, 525.— Appointed commander in chief of an expedition againft Barbary, 169. —Embarks at Genoa, 170.—Lands with his army before the town of Africa, which he befieges, 211.«—• His army fufiers from the heat and infalubrity of the climate, 219.—Abandons the fiege and returns to France, 238.—Makes an ineffectual attempt to gain over the towns of Aquitaine during the imprifonment of king Richard the Second in the Tower, 676. Bmerchier, fir John, appointed governor of Ghent, II. 730.—Retires to England, III. 71./ Bourdeaux, the town of, befieged by the French under the earl of Lifle, L 149«
—, the archbifhop of, imprifoned at Barcelona, III. 347.—Liberated, 351.
Bourdeilles, the town of, taken by the Englifh under the duke of Cambridge, I. 826. Bournezel, fir Peter, lord de, fent on an embafiy from the king of France to the king of Scotland, II. 285.—Arretted at Slays by.order of the. earl of Flanders, 285.—Return*to Paris, 287.
Bouteville, the town of, taken by the French, II. 281.-
Brabant, thp duke of, joins the Englifh forces before Cambray, I. 95.—Purchafbs three* caftles belonging to the duke of Gueldres, III. 544.—Appointed chief of the Langue* fride, 545.—Invades the country of Juhers, 547.—Defeated and taken prifoner by, the dukes of Julien and Gueldres, 548.—Obtains his liberty, 551.—His death, 553.
Brabant, the duchefs of, forms a marriage between the children of Burgundy and thofe of Hainault, 11. 75a—Caufes the daughter of duke Stephen of Bavaria to be brought to France to be married to Charles the Sixth, III. 15.—Applies to the Emperor to intereft himfelf to
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