Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Befieget the connttft of Montford ïn Hennebon, 204.-—Takes the caftle of Aurai, 214.— Takes the town of Vannes by ftorm, ii.—Takes the town of Carhaix, »19^—Obtains polfcfion of the town of Jngon by treachery, 224.—Enters into a truce with the counters of Montford, 225.—Befieges La Roche d'Errien, 355.—Taken prifoner by the forces of the countefs, 356.—Sent to England, 357.—Confined in the tower, 37 r.—Returns to France, 463.—Rajfes an army to oppofe lord John de Montford, 644.—Killed at the battle of Auray, 658.—^Canonized by Urban the Fifth, 660.—But fee note, ib. Blois, Guy, count de, returns from England, where he had been hoftage for king John, I. 784.—Joins the king of France againft England, IL 45.—Sells the reverfion of the county of Blois to the duke of Touraihe, IV. 300.—Dies at Avennes, in Hain-ault, 581.
Blois, John of, marries the widow of William, count of Juliers, III. 541.—His death, 542.
Blois, lord Lewis of, marries the lady Mary of Berry, III. 586.—Dies in Hainault, IV. 27c
Blois, the county of, the reverfion pf it fold to the duke of Touraine, IV. 300.
Blondeau, fir John, furrenders the caftle of La Roche fur Yon to the duke of Cambridge, I. 833.—Put to death in confequence, 834.
Bodenay, fir Theobald de, captured at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435.
Bohemia, Charles of Luxembourg, king of, flain at the battle of Crecy, I. 325.
Bois, Peter du, a citizen of Ghent, ehofen one of the commanders of the Whitehoods in that city, IL 330.—Narrowly efcapes being put to death, 444.—Befieges Courtray, 445.—Obtains the appointment of Philip von Artaveld to be governor of Ghent, 453.— Defends the pafs of Communes againft the army of the king of France, 61 f*—Defeated, with great daughter, 616.—Prevents the town of Bruges from furrendering to the king'of France, 626.—Retreats to Ghent after the defeat of Philip von Artaveld, 643.—En-courages the men of Ghent to withftand the army of the king of France, 648.—After a peace being concluded between the duke of Burgundy, as heir of Flanders, and the men of Ghent, he retires to England, III. 70.
Bois, fir Henry du, killed at the battle of Calais, I. 379.
Boniface IX. eleâed pope by the cardinals of Rome, IV. 127.—Sends a learned friar to the
king of France to endeavour to gain him over to his intereft, 377. Bonneval, the caftle of, taken by tKe earl of Derby, I. 258. Bordes, fir William de, captured by the garrifon of Cherbourg, II. 294. Boieler, fir John, of Warrington, captured at Roche Perion, I. 215.—Narrowly efcapes
being put to death, 220. Boucicauh, the lord of, taken prifoner at Romorantin by the prince of Wiles, I. 414.—
Appointed to the command of an expedition againft the king of Navarre, 614.—Takes
the town of Mante by ftratagem, 61$.—Takes the town of Meulan, 616.
2 A • Boucicaut,