Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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tjt ^ I.N D EX.
Berkeley, Thomas, lord of, captured at the battle of Poitiers, I. 436. Berly, the town of, taken by the forces of the king of Navarre, I. 491. .. Berners, lord, his tranflation of Froifiart's Chronicles, MEM. 62.
Berry, John duke of, returns to France from England, where he had been a hoftage for king • John, I. 783.—CoUeéts his vaflbls to make war on the prince of Wales in Aquitaine, 795-—Invades Limoufin, II. 49.—Takes the town of Limoges, 6b.—Takes the town of St. Severe, in Saintonge, 116.—Appointed governor of Languedoc, 399.—Betrothes his daughter to the fon of the count de Blois, 739.—Bcfieges the caftle of Ventadour, III. 563.—Endeavours to win over the duke of Brittany to the French intereft, 589. —Propofes to marry the daughter of the duke of Lancafter, 605.—Having failed, he fends to the count de Foix, to demand his ward, the daughter of the count de Boulogne, in marriage, IV. 51.—Is married to her, 69.—Accompanies the king of France in his vifit to the pope at Avignon, 94.—Claims the liberation of his agent Bethifac, who was under profecution for mal-adminiftration, 114.
Berry, John of, fon of the duke of Berry, marries the lady Mary of France, filler of Charles the Sixth, III. 586. . "
Berry, the duchefs of, petitions her hufband in behalf of the lord de la Riviere, IV. 361.— Supports the lord de la Riviere, in oppofition to the duchefs of Burgundyj 378.
Berfat, the town of, taken by the Englifh, II. 265.
Berwick, the caftle of, taken by Edward the Third, I. 66.—Taken by the Scots, II. 213.—
Retaken by the earl of Northumberland, 220. Befengben, the fort of, in Gafcony, taken by the Englifh under fir Thomas Trivet, II. 268. Bejfere, La, the caftle of, taken by the French under fir Walter de Paffac, III. 201. Bete, fir Symon, a citizen of Ghent, put to death for having endeavoured to make peace
between that town and the earl of Flanders, II. 501. Bethifac, John, the confidential agent of the duke of Berry in Touloufe, tried at Beziers for
mal-adminiftration, IV. in.—Having confefled himfelf guilty of herefy, &c. he is burnt
to death, 115. 118. Betbune, fir Robert de, takes the fort of La Roche Vandais, IV. 199. Blancbetaque, the battle of, between the king of England and fir Godemar du Fay, L 317. Blancquefort, Henry de, brother of the-emperor of Germany, forcibly marries Margaret of
Hungary, who had been betrothed to Louis de Valois, III. 31. Blayes, the town of, befieged by the earl of Derby, L 277. Blois, the earl of, flam at the battle of Crecy, I. 328.
Blois, lord Charles of, claims the duchy of Brittany, I. 181.—Declared the lawful duke of Brittany by the parliament of Paris, 183.—Enters Brittany, with a large force, affifted by the king of France, 184.—Conquers lèverai towns in the duchy, 185, et feq.—Takes his adverfary, the earl of Montford, prifoner, 188.—Takes the town of Rennes, 202.—
. . Befieges