Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Quarrel, between the houfesof Brabant and Gueldres, the caufe of, explained, [II. 535. Queens, three, befieged in the town of Melun far Seine, I. 509.
Quemlkrt, fir Henry de, takes fir Euftace d'Ambreticourt prifoner at the battle of Nogent far Seine, I. 515.
Quimpercorentin, the town of, in Brittany, taken by fir Bertrand da Guefclin, II. 143« Quimperli, the town of, in Brittany, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 143.—Befieged
by the duke of Brittany, 172. Qmriel, fir Hugh de, pillages Southampton, 1.95.
Raimbaut, Lewis, a captain of the free companies, beheaded, III. x50.
Ram/ay, Alexander, takes the caftle of Berwick, II. 216.—Captured in the caftle by the earl of Northumberland, 220.
Ravenal, lord Raoul de, captured at Mauconfeil, I. 490.
Realville, the town of, taken by ftorm by the earl of Perigord, L 812.'
Reginald, count of Gueldres, his extravagance, UL 536.—Marries the daughter of Bertald,
* of Mechlin, 540.—Afterwards marries Ifabella, daughter of Edward the Second of Eng-land, 540.
Rennes, the town of, taken by the earl of Montfort, or duke of Brittany, 1.175.—Surrenders to the lord Charles of Blois, 202*—Befieged by the duke of Lancafter, 462.—Taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 142.
Reole, La, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 273.—Surrenders to the duke of An-jou, IL 164.
Reyneval, lord Raoul de, defeated by the Engiifh and Navarrois, under fir Godfrey de Har-court, I. 456.
Rbeims, the town of, befieged by Edward the Third, I. 538, 545.
Ribadeo, count, of Spain, one of the minifters of Charles the Fourth of France, arretted by
the duke of Burgundy while regent, IV. 355. Ribeaumont, fir Euftace de, captured near Calais, I. 380.—Receives a chaplet of pearls from
the king of England, in reward for his prowefs, 381Slain at the battle of Poitiers, 435. Ribemmont, fir Galahaut de, mortally wounded in a fkirmifh with the Engiifh, 1.537. ' Richard the Second, fon of the prince of Wales, bôrn I. 707.—Declared preemptive heir
to the throne of England, II. 178.—Crowned king of England, 180. — Placed under
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