Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Poitiers, fir Charles de, burnt to death at a mafked dance at Paris, IV. 72. Poix, the town of, deftroyed by the Englifh under Edward the Third, I. 314« St. Pol, the town of, befieged by the duke of Lancafter, II. 21. St. Pol, the earl of, flain at the battle of Crecy, L 328.
St. Pol, the count de, captured by the Englifh at Lique, and fent to England, II. 166.— Marries the lady Maude, daughter of the princefs of Wales, 291«—-Leads an army into Friefland, 497.
Pommiers, the lord de, beheaded at Bourdeaux for treafon, II. 195. Pompadour, the lord of, captured at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435. Populaire, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 257. Pons, the lord de, flain at the battle of Poitiers, I. 438. Pons, the lord de, turns to the French intcreft, II. 84»
Pont au Demer, the town of, in Normandy, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IL lié. Pont du St. Esprit, the town of, taken by the free companies, I. 587. Pontevedra, the town of, in Gallicia, furrenders to the army of the duke of Lancafter, HI. 314.
Pontbieu, the country of, conquered by the forces under fir Hugh de Chatillon, I. 794. Ponthieu, the earl of, captured at the battle of Poitiers, I. 437.
Popu'ace, of England, rebel againft king Richard and the nobility, II. 459«—Enter London
and do much mifchief, 467.—Difperfed by the king, 480. Poreien, the earl of, ranfomed, I. 794.
Porkers of la RespaiHe, a fet of pillagers fo called, commit feveral depredations in Flanders, II. 742.
Part St. Marie, taken by the duke of Anjou, II. 49.
Porthoeuf, fir Peter, governor of Dinant, taken prifoner, I. 259.
Portelet, don Juan Ferdinando de, informs. Froiflart of many particulars relative to the
affairs of Portugal, HI. 234. Poulet, the caftle of, in Gafcony, taken by the Englifh under fir Thomas Trivet, IL 270* • Poursuivant dyAmour, the meaning of the title explained, IL 796. Pressigny, fir Reginald de, put to death, I. 400. Preux, the caftle of, taken by the duke of Burgundy, I. 638. Prie, the lord of, captured at the battle of Auray, 1. 657.
Pruniaux, John, a citizen of Ghent, appointed one of the commanders of the Whitehoods in that city, IL, 230-—Takes the town of Oudenarde, 350.—Banifhed from Flanders, 353.—Delivered up to the carl, and beheaded, 354.
Pulpiron, the caftle of, taken by the French under fir Walter de Pafiàc, III. aoa*
Punach, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, 1. 256.