Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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. with the king of Caftille, 534«—Marries his daughter the infanta to him, 537.—His death, tf..—-Marries the wife of one of his knight** IIL 239.
Ferrel, the town of, taken by the king of Portugal, III. 447.
Fitxwalter, the lord, dies in Spain, ILL 617.
Flanders, the origin of the civil wars in, IL 307.
Flanders, the nobility of, make war 00 the men of Ghent, IL 355.
Flanders, the earl of, flain at the battle of Crocy, I. 328.
, Lewis earl of, betrothed, through the contraint of the Flemings, to Ifabetla, daughter of the king of England, L 249.*—Efopei into France, 354»—Marries the daughter of the duke ôf Brabant, 383.—Detains an ambafiador from the king of Ffance to the king of Scotland, 1L 284.—Supporte the caufe of pope Urban in his dominions, againft the Clementifts, 306.—Endeavours to put down the Whitehoods, which tad been revived at Ghent, 318.—Colleâs a force to make war on tliem, 326.—Makes peace with them, 33g.—Comes to Ghent at the entreaty of the inhabitants, 346.—Endeavours to prevail on them to lay afide the Whitehoods, 348.—Caufet John IVuniaax to be beheaded, 354. —Goes to Bruges at the requeft of the inhabitants, 429.*—Renews the war with the men of Ghent, 430.—'Befieges the town, 43$.—Defeats the men of Ghent under Rafle de Harzelle, and burns a body of them in the church of Nevele,' 44».—Befieges again the town of Ghent, 493.—Defeated- by the men of Ghent at Bruges, 555.—Efcapcs with great difficulty to Lifle, 563.—Applies to the king of France for affiftance, 595*— Becomes an objèâ of hatred to the Englifli, 661 .—Applies to the duke of Burgundy for affiftance to oppofe the bifhop of Norwich, 677«—Dies at St. Oufcr, 713^—The ceremony of his funeral, 713.
Flemings, under Colin Donnequin, defeated at Cafièl by Philip of Valois, L54.
——, under Jacob von Artaveld,. promife to affift Edward the Third againft the king of
France, L 111«—Remain firm to their alliance, notwithftanding the felicitations of the
king of France, 122»
», under Robert d'Artois, flee in oonfufion from before St. Orner,. I. 167. , refais to difinherit the earl of Flanders, L 2S4.—Conftrain him to be betrothed to the
daughter of the king of England, 363?r~Befiege the town of Aire,. 359*«—Defeated by the Englifh off the ifland of Bas, Ik 91»*—Make peace with the king of England, 92. Fûîx, G?fton Phoebus, Courft of.—-Defeats the infamous Jacquerie of Beauvoifis, with great flaughtcf at Meaox, 1.476*—Vifits the prince of Wales at Tarbes, III 83.—Remits, at the entreaty of the princefr of Wales, fixty thoufend francs of the ranfem of the count d'Armagnac, 83.—Takes the town of CafTeres from the Armagnacs, 92.^-Hïf riches and liberality, 103.—Murders fir Peter Arnaut, 115.—Qbuittt Malvoifin from the kingof France as a gift, 117.—Origin of the wars between him and the Armagnacs, las.—His cbsraâer and manner ôf life, 125.—Kills his foa and heir Gafton, 133,—His manner of