Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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III. 8a*—It vifited by the count de Foix, 83.—Appoints fir Peter Amant governor of Lourde, 84.
Ebnbam, fir William, committed to the Tower Ty the commiflioners of account!, on a
charge of having fold Bourbourg and Gravélines to the French, ML 47a. Englijb, their manners in the time of Froiflart, III. 208. Entençaf the town of, in Galicia, Surrenders tothe duke of Lancafter, HI. 385. Escaudaure, the caftle of, in Hainault, taken and deftroyed, I. 13a. EJpaign, the bourg d% his remarkable ftrength, IIL no.
Efiampes, the count de, fent to endeavour to win.over the duke of Brittany to the French intereft, III. 589.
JEW, the earl of, tak*n prifoner by the Englifh under Edward the Third, I. 307«—Beheaded
at Paris, 394. Em, the^countde. See Artois, Philip d\
Evan, of Wales, receives a naval command under the king of France, IL 105 —Defeats the Englifh in the iflend of Guernfey, 106.—Sent to Spain to folicit affiftance from king Henry, 107.—Infultsthe earl of Pembroke at St. Andero, 109.—Blockades the town of La Rochelle, 119.—Takes-the caftle of Sonbife, iao.—Befieges Mortain-ftuvmer, an* —Affirffinated by John Lambe, 249.
Evreux, the county of, fubdued for the king of France by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 250.
f the city and caftle of, reconquered from the lung of France, L 464. Europe, defolated by the plague, I. 392, not*.
Eu/lace, de St. Pierre, a citizen of Cala», his patriotic conduâ during the fiege of that town, 1.3^5.
Famine, a great one, in France, J. 494.
Faucille, John de, a citizen of Ghent, retires from tbe town after the murder of the bailiff
by the Whitehoods, II. 313.—Dies at Lifle, II. 45a Fay, fir Godemar du, defends the ford of Blanchetaque againft Edward the Third and
his army, L 317.—Defeated by .the Englifh, 318.—Narrowly efcapes being put to
death, 334.
Felton, fir William, his brilliant exploit againft the Spaniards, I. 723.—Killed, 724. Felton, fir Thomas, captured hy»the Freneh under the duke of Anjou, II. 197« Feiton, Thomas, killed at the battle of Otterhourne, IV.-.19.
Fenefirages, the lord Broquart de, takes tbe town of Hans, L 512.—Defeated and captured by
fir Euftace d'Ambreticourt, 514. Ferdinand, king of -Portugal, declares war againft John king of Caftille, II. 454.—Applies
to England for affiftaace, fl*~Takes the field againft the Spaniards, 532«—Makes peace
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