Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Dînant, the town of, in Brittany, taken by the forces of the lord Charles of Blois, I. 212.— Taken by the Englifli under Edward the Third, 239—Surrenders to the lord John de Montford, 664.—Taken by fir Bertrand dû Guefclin, IL-142.—Taken by fir Oliver de Cliflbn, 344.
Dijfentions at York between the archers of England and the Hainaulters, I. 28. Dormant, fir William de, preaches the juftice of the caufe of the French king, I, 805. Doublet, Oliver, beheaded at Rouen, I. 408.
Douglas, fir Archibald, Defeated and captured by fir Thomas Mufgrave, near Melrofe, IL 226.
Douglas, lord James, departs for the Holy Land to fulfil the cequeft of Robert Bruce the FîVft, I. 50.—Killed in Spain, fighting againft the Saracens, 51. ^
Douglas, lord William, takes the caftle of Edinburgh by ftratagem, I. 152.—Taken pri-foner at the battle of NeviPs Crofs, 346.
Douglas, the earl of, invades England with a large force, IV. 6.—Takes the pennon of fir Henry Percy before Newcaftle, 8.—Slain at the battle of Otterbourne, 14.
Dream, remakable, of Charles the Sixth of France, IL 577.
Drue, the caftle of, taken by the duke of Normandy, I. 640.
Duel, at Paris, between James le Gris and John de Carogne, IIL 346.
Dumbarton, the caftle of, taken by Edward the Third, L 67.
DumfermUne, the town of, deftroyed by Richard the Second, III, 46.
Dundee, the town of, burnt by Richard the Second, IIL 46.
Dunkirk, the town of, taken by the bifhop of Norwich, II. 676.
Duras, the town of, taken by ftorm by the duke of Anjou, IL 208.
Duras, the lord de, captured by the French under the duke of Anjou, IL 200.—Turns to 1
the French intereft, but quits it afterwards, 203. Durazxo, the lord Charles de, defends the kingdom of Naples againft the pretentions of the
duke of Anjou, IL 517.—Put to death in Hungary, III. 15. Durham, the city of, taken and deftroyed by the Scots, L 194.—[This account fuppofed to
be fabulous, 198, note,'] Durham, the bifhop of, compelled to retreat in his attempt to refcue fir Henry Percy, IV. 24*
—Makes fir John Lindfay, prifoner, 26.—Marches to attack the Scots camp, but returns
without attempting it, ib. and 29.
Edinburgh, the town of, taken by Edward the Third, I. 67.—Retaken by fir William
Douglas, I. 152.—Deftroyed by Richard the Second, IIL 45. . Edward the Firft, king of England, his charaâer and fucceflës, L 4 .--.His fingular requeft on his death-bed, 70.