Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 188
Daire, John, a citizen of Calais, his patriotic conduâ daring the fiege of that city by ' Edward the Third, I. 365. Dalkeith, the caftle of, taken by Edward the Third, L 68. Damaxan, the caftle of, taken by the duke of Normandy, I. 292. Dammartin, the earl of, lain at the battle of Poitiers, II. 438.
Damme, the town of, taken by the men of Ghent, IL 562. III. %\.—Taken by the king of France, 26.
Dampmartin, the lord de, refills the dukes of Berry and Burgundy m their attempts to break off the marriage of his daughter with the fon of the lord de la Riviere,
• IV. 361.
Death, remarkable of a* foldier, who had facrilegioufiy robbed the church ©f Ronay, in
Champagne, 1.517» Dedication, I. iii.
Deed of arms, between fir Thomas Harpurgan*, and fir John des Barres, III. 626.
, between five Englifh and five French knights, before the duke of Lancaftcr
at Bourdeaux, IV. 62«
Deputations from the different towns of England wait on Richard the Second at Windfdr to lay their grievances before him, and to demand redrefs, 111. 465.
Derby, the earl of, appointed to the command of a large army to go into Gafcony, I. 24S. —Takes Bergerac and feveral other places in Gafcony and Poitou, 251, 336.—Created duke of Lancafter, 384.
Derby, Henry earl of, marries the lady Mary, daughter of the earl of Hereford, If. 402.— Appointed the lieutenant of his father, the duke of Lancafter, during his abfence in
• Spain, IIL 267.—Challenged by tbe earf marfhal of England in the prefence of the king, 595.—Baniflicd the kingdom, 603.—Goes to Paris, 604.—The people of England ,rife in bis favour, 636.—Receives a requeft from the people of London to return to Eng. land, 642.—Arrives in London, 648.—Undertakes the government of England, and determines to feize the throne, 649«—Marches towards Brifto! againft Richard the Second, 650.—Takes him prifoner, and conduâs him to London, 656.—Crowned king of Eng-land under the title of Henry the Fourth, 669.—In- danger of being murdered by the earls of Huntingdon and Solifbury, 6%
Derval, the caftle of, befieged by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, If. 146.—Relieved by fir Robert Knolles, 150.
De/ponde, Dinde, a rich merchant, employed to negociate the ranlbm of John of Burgundy
and his companions from the fultan Bajazet, IV. 539. Deflournay, the lord, takes the town of Oudenardt by ftratagem, II. 728. Devereux, fir John* takes the caftle pf Uzes, in Auvergne, IL 87. Digbosp. the town of* in Galicia, furrenders to the duke of Lancafter'sarmy, III. 317.