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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 111
fer the confirmation of his impartiality. Therefore M. de ta Curne;. according to Hamberger's Notice, p. 841,. has vindicated him from the reproach* of partiality ; and monf. profefïbr Schrôkh,. in his notes on
Guthrie, volume x- part i page 378, judges that the French, cry out againft him for his partiality towards the Englifh, not always with perfeét truth.
After what we have faid, it now deferves confederation, what are the manufcriptsof this chronicle, and-alfo of Froiffiurt's poems, extant elfewhere, and where they are to be found ? Firft,. from. Montfaucon's Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum Manufcriptorum nova Paris L739, fol. mai* in ii tomis,. which have the numbers of the pages ftill running on* Tom. L pag. 29. B. N. 698. Jean Froifïkd-Hiftoire de France jpfques em
Fan 1350. In Bibliotheca Regime Sued* in Vaticana*. Pag. 81. B. Froiflart Chronique, de France et d'Angleterre, 45, 46, 47,.
premier torn.. 306.. fecond, torn. 807. troifieme et quatrième torn. 46..
Iterum, jufqu* à l'anm 1350*. num.. 308.. 687., 698. In Bibliotheca
Alexandri. Ptiavii in Vaticana.. P. 632. D. P. 285. Jean Froiflart, le fecond, et le. quatrième volume de^
fes chroniques, P. 294. Jean Froiflart chroniques de France en:
d'Angleterre,, en 5 volumes- In Bibliotheca Regis Anglic cujus
catalogus exaifusfuit Londirii 1734 4». Pag. 654. C. Na. 1508. Jean Froiflard fon hiftoire. Im.Biblmthem Bêdkmm*
ex Catabga Bibliothecarum» Anglia. Oxon. 1691. Pag. 681. E. N- 2669. L'Hiftoire de Froiflard plus ample et. plus correAfr
que les imprimées. Ex MSS. Ifaaci Vofdi in BiM; Collegii Etonenfis. Ibid. C. N. 2960. Froiflard Chronique d'Angleterre, deux tomes. Im
Biblioth. Norfok. in Coilegio Qrejhamenfii Lond. Tom. ii. pag. 782. C. N. CI60. Premier volume des chroniques de Jean
Froiflart, avec. figures. In. folio maximo.. Pag. 789. C. N. 7214. 7215. Pkfieurs traités dJaraours et de moralités,
compofés par. Jean Froiflard, tréforier de Ciraay (L Chimay). In folia
Pag. 796. B. N. 8817. et plufieun-fuivant.. Chroniques, on Mftoires dfe Jean Froiflart, en grand nombre.. In folio magna.
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