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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 110
Chaufepié fhould not have omitted the Critique of Monfieur de là Curne ce Froiflarfs Chronicle, or at leaft fhould have brought it in, briefly prepared, which, however, Hamberger refers to, p. 6*1. The value of this Chronicle depends upon the high credibility of his accounts, which by his very intimate acquaintance with courts, efpecially with the Englilh, and others, he had picked up on every hand, for which end he even fpent the greateft part of his life in travelling, that he might gather accurate and certain accounts concerning all events, from eye-witnefles and contemporaries, and might himfelf view the places and countries where they had happened. Now as he would neither pafs over any one circumftance which had become known to him, nor trifling accident in war, or name of any perfon of condition whofoever, bearing a part, fb he*certainly is fomewhat prolix ; as, fbr*inftance, in defcribing the houfe-keeping of the earl Gallon Phœbus, vol. iii. c. 8. in Sauvage's, and elfewhere befides ; in citing the fpeeches of himfelf and others, whereby a perfon muft entirely rely upon his carefulnefs, that he had obferved all readily and correélly. If Froiflart, however, had only interwoven fuch fayings and fpeeches from memory or from hearfay, they would pafs for fuch as apparently might fo have been uttered as he has fet forth ; fb they fo much the more bear witnefs to his great hiftorical addrefs, that through them he can make the reader more readily comprehend the adventures, according to their to him known reafons and caufes, and draw the chara&er of the perfons a&ing, accurately and to the life.
The greateft fault that has been attributed to him is his fuppofed partiality to England. This is particularly done by Lenglet du Frefnoy, in the
Méthode pour Etudier l'Hiftoiie, T. ii. p. 268. Edit. 11549. whofe acenfation, that the Engiifh had paid him well for the praife bellowed upon them, neceflarily refutes itfelf,—and if we read his hiftory attentively, it will be difcovered. But when Lenglet, page 425. of the fécond French edition, has abided by his opinion, page S24. that the Englilh had aflifted him more with their money than he has ferved them with his hiftory ; that the love of money in him, as in Aretinus, was greater than the love of truth: this comparifon is not only palpably wrong, but ferves much more
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