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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 94
Polybks, aie Cartography of Pingié, Du Sejour's Traité Anal. Bailly's Hift. d'Aftr. and the like, the Peterfburg Commentarii complete.#
In this very year had lady Johanna Sufanna, of the family of Riedel and Leivenftern, widow of Frederic Ton OM and Adlerfkron, an eminent counfellor of this place, fet apart a capital of 500 dollars, Silefian currency, for the procuring of hiftorical books: with the intereft of which, 20 rix dollars yearly, bodes are purchafed by little and little, according to the direéfcions of the founder, bound in leather, decorated with the proper efcutcheon, and Hand apart* Amongft others, for inftance, the States Chancery, withReufles' Continuation, the Ceremonies Relig. Montfaucon's Antiqu. cxpL Ugolinis Thef. Antiq. Hebr. Polenis The£ Niceron's Mémoires, the Hift. et Mem. de F Acad, de Berlin, Commentarii Soc Reg. Sc. Getting. From the founder, a precious exemplar of the Weimar Bible of 1644, bound, with copious illuminated prints; alfo, for frequent infpeébon, both die heads of Peter and Paul, embroidered with (ilk. To the overfeer (he has left four dollars Silefian, with other two additional • rix-dollars yearly.
Since the 20th June 1699, in the courte of fome years, were prefented
from Daniel Eraeft Hcu#n, mmhmt in AmfteKlain, French, Englifl*, Dutch books and medals.
The 20th January 1701, from Chriftopher Bertermann, a merchant, the Irft 19 volumes of the Aits of the Sakts, purchafed from the Carpzovifh Library at Leipzig. The continuations, up to the moft recent, have been chiefly procured out of the Strelitzifh legacy.
The 23d Auguft 1706, the magiftrate augmented the library with a good number of fine old manuforipts and printed books.
The 12th January 1707, from Magnus Antonius von GSte, the excellent hkenefs of a greek bifhop in half length, from Rcmbrant.
In this fame year, a colleftion of fhcis and iniëâs was brought hither, from contributions gathered from the famous cabinet of Levin Vincent at Amfterdam : this, in 12 boxes, was purchafed for 90 dutch florins, or 46 rix-dollars, 24 fgl. But as formerly more inquiry was made after books than after butterflies, the infpeétor negleâcd caring for the prefiavatien of the
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