Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 93
In tie year Î659, Matthias Machner, nolaiy9 ptefeetccf to it fome written and printed books : fome were alfb given after his deceafe (not his* library, m it (lands in Kundmann's German Schools, page S53.)
In the years 1063; 1664f from Auguftus duke* of Branfwick and* Lunenburg, fome writings and other books.
In January 1664, the library of Chryfoftom Schulz, firft fchoppenfehreiber (that is, town clerk), confiding of about a thoufand volumes..
The 2d June 1689, the truly exquifite library, of Albert mm Sèhilch,, chief of the vermilion company, of theological, juridical, philological,, and efpecially hiftorical and mathematical books; together with, in the opinion of a very great connoifleur, and poflèflbr of a: (imilar confiderable* flock, a very preferable colle&ion of upwards of 12,500 prints in* parchment covers, befides rare drawings, manufcripts, mathematical inftrumeots, minerals and* (hells* With propriety^, this excellent ftock ofc books it kept together.
In the year 1690, from John Sigifmimd voir Htonold, latterly prefidèiH: of the council, one of the mod beneficent patrons of real fcholars, book%# minerals, medals and other curious articles**
In the year 1694, a grand colleétion of minerals from Hungary, and! from Hartz, &c. were prefented,—and, in purfuance of a drange idea, a-wooden elephant, which carried a fourfold pyramid three yards high with compartments, was covered and, adorned with them. Finally, after the deceafe of the faid John Sigifmund, on the Oth May 1711, books, natural: curiofities, very remarkable manufcripts* and other rarities were brought hither. An excellent Ecce Homo of George Pens, a difciple of Diirer, on. wood, which, as far ml recolle& rightly, was,,maiiy years before, copied for the king Frederic 11..
In the year 169ft, on occafion of the faid enlargement of the fore part *f the hall, an order was made, that 12 rix-dollars fhould be iffiied annually from the infpe&or's office for the augmentation of the SchHh^ and indeed: of the mathematical books. Then were purchafed, for indance, Leupold's Thcatra Mach.with continuations, Sturm's architeétural works, the Machines Approuvées, the works of Bernoulli, Hugens, Mariette, Leibnitz* Falvd's