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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 68
'luppôftâ to have Ipf the court of Love, to exert herfclf that the lady to whom •
• he had paid his homage fhould become Ms crueL
Hope, into whofe hands Pleafure transfers him, demands if he be not jealous, which fhe tails the curfe of lovers, and promifes to cure him of this diforder, provided he would never lofe fight of her. At length, the two ladies conduit him by die hand to the park where Love refided, and on the road afk him for fome ballads andvirelays of hisjcompofition, which they fing with him.
They meet near a hill doux pen/a', gentil damoijeau, holding two
• greyhounds in a leafh, wha points out to them the place where they would find the god they are in fearch of. Several hunters, fuch as Beau-femblant,. Bem-regard, Franc-vouloir, Defir, Souvenir, Bien-befognant, and others, fcattered over different parts with greyhounds, purfuing the chace of love, afford opportunities to the new pilgrim to inquire if the god had many fuch hunters, and learns that he had thirty times as many, as well counts and dukes as kings and others.
\ ' When they had advanced farther, they meet a large company of beautiful ladies and damfels, with handfome youths, all clothed in green, and preparing to dance ; and on his afking who they were, Pleafure names many heroes and heroines of romance, all fubje&s of the divinity, who dance near the paradife of his refidence. At laft they come to his pavilion, which is extended under a grove of trees, and the poet being prefented, recites a lay fc much to the fatisfaétion of the god that he promifes him his afliftance, • and defires the ladies who had brought him to take every care of him, and ihew him his gardens.
• As they were walking, tinging, and gathering flowers, they met, in a handfome mead furrounded with rofe-trccs, Bel«*accmil, who was making
• m chaplet of flowers, which two young maidens were collecting for him. The lover inftantly runs to caft himfelf at the feet of his miftrefs:
fpeaks to her of his paflion with tranfports, intermixed with trembling : tells her of the prayer he had made to Love, and entreats her to foften a little of her rigour, if fhe be defirous that he fhould live. She afks, with a
iweet finite, what he wifhes from her, and as fhe had recommended him not
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