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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 67
Among the poems of confiderable length, to which Froiflart has given ihe names of Traitiez, M. de la Curne has chofen the Paradis (T Amour and VHorloge Amoureufe. Among thofe called Ditiez, ht has feleéted that of the Marguerite ; and in the mifceUaneous pieces, as rondeaus, ballads, paftorals, Lais, Virelais and Chants Royaux, he has taken particular pains to make us acquainted with the paftorals and rondeaus.
THE poet, tormented by the moft violent love, falls afleep, and dreams, and the fubjeét of this dream forms the plan of his poem. He finds himfelf feated in a beautiful wood, on the banks of a rivulet befprinkled with flowers, and furrounded by birds, among whom the nightingales form the moft charming concerts. Recolleéting, at this moment, the events of his •youth, and the -various fuccefs he had met with in his amours, he utters a violent complaint againft the god of love for all the misfortunes he had made him fuffer. Plunged in a melancholy not to be alleviated by the fongs of the birds, he hears a confufed noife of voices, which made him retire behind a bufh : two ladies appear as brilliant in charms as in drefs, and, having approached, want to beat him, in revenge for the infult he had juft offered to the god of love, their mafter : their names were Pleafure and Hope. Being fomewhat appeafed, they tell him he fhould impute his misfortunes to himfelf alone, for that he had failed in fubmiffion and perfeverance, which had been ftrongly recommended to him on his engaging under the ftandard of love; and, befides, aflure him, that by thefe means more might have been obtained by him from the lady of his heart in one hour than he could have imagined, or even wifhed. Pleafure, after this ufeful advice, fatisfies his curiofify to know what were her functions with the god of love. • The principal, fhe faid, confifted in fupporting his power, by the reciprocal charms which fhe conferred on two perfons in love with each other, whence comes the proverbial faying, g No ugly lover nor jll-favoqxed jniftrefi.9 He then conjures her, by all the credit fhe may he
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