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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 34
is nothing to prwent us from believing that the preceding* volume had beef» eompofed by the orders .of 'the feme nobkman,% fince 1 have fhewn in the
Mrs of his life, that FroM&ft appeared to have, been' attached to fais • fervice from the year 13»5..
The third volume, which returns to thofe events that* had happened fince the year lsSM9 and which gives ^fUier account of them; had been*, as I have juft faid, begun upon in tS90, and was already finifhed in 13s. The author makes this to be underftood in that part where he fpeaks of the conventions entered into by the duke of Brittany with'-the long of France*. He lays, that at the - time he was fihHhing this book, the duke had faithfully * obferved them, and' had not done any thing worthy of being, noticed. We -fhall hereafter witnefs die difobedience of this duke in 1392,-r-who, having: receivecTPeter dè Craon at his palace, at the time when he was a ftate~criminal,-refufed to obey the orders Charles VI. fent him to give him upr This whole volume feems to me to have been eompofed without interruption : at leaft, ; there is a material connexion between, feveral chapters at' a great diftance-from each other..
The interval Acre is-Between the third" and fourth volumes-feems to* have been caufed more' to give repofe to the reader than to the hifhorim t, for Froiflart^ in aiding the third, announces the events which are to be the-materials of tfre foujth volume. I believe the hiftorian, immediately on, completing*the third, wrote the fifty firft chapters*©! the fourth.volume,. which clofe with the events-of 1392..
A great number of manufcripts,. and bkck-Mter editions*, which .begin: the fourth volume after thefe fifty.'chapters,, form a very natural prejudice in favour- of thit opinion : befides, from the year 1392, when .they end, two • year* pafled in continual negotiations between, the French and Engliih,—» during which, feveral truces, but of fhort duration, were made:* they, however, ended afclaft in a peace, or trace, for four years* I not doubt but that Froiflart then interrupted his writing,—fince. that was the time when he performed hisjourney into England, where he refidedthree months* I- believe thifrinterval was considerable, becaufe the remainder of the fourth -volume, which feems to me to have been written without intenniffion, was eompofed,, if I miftake* not, feveral years after this F that is to£
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