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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 33
•of which were after the death of Aïs princefs, he was anxious I» gain everj «formation of the.hiftory of his own time, he had not, in the midft of m - agitated lfef either fufficicnt teifure or a mind enough difengaged from the anxieties or pleasures of the world to write it He employed three or four years in compofmg the laft half of his firft volume ; for we (hall fee that •the following volume, which he did not immediately begin upon, was written from 1385 to 1388.
Notwithftaading Froiflart may have written the firft volume at two -different times, it feems that the preface, which is at the beginning, was not done until the whole was finifhed; for the author fpeaks in it of his travels into Scotland, whither he did not go until after he had prefented the firft half of this volume to the queen of England.
No material interruption is met with in the courfe of the fecond volume. The author employs the twenty-feven firft chapters in recapitulating the -events of the three laft years of the preceding volume, which had been too fuccinâly related. He adds new fa&s, or new circumftances, to thofe he had before told,—or reétifies the narration, from having been better informed afterwards; and it is from this 1 draw ray proof, that there was fome interval between the compofition of the firft volume and the other which followed.
After thefe twenty-feven firft chapters he refumes the thread of M§ 'hiftory, which he follows until the peace the men of Ghent obtained from the duke of Burgundy, and of which he reports the original treaty, dated the t8th December, 1S85.
It is towards the year 1385, or 138«, that Froiflart began to write his fecond volume: it was finifhed in 1388. This fame year he vifited the count de Foix ; and in the account he gives of his travels he fays, that different perfons reminded him of events which he had related in his Mftory ; and thefe events are told in the fecond volume, which, according to all appearances, was immediately written.
There is an interval of upwards of twelve years between the compofition of this volume and the enfuing one, for the author only began the third in 1&90. He then wrote it by command, and at the expenfe of the count de Mois.; .tMs.hecxpreffly %s in the beginning of the t7th chapter. There
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