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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 20
luiown, hi fffitti Ms magnificent inaulbleiim. He faw there the young Icing Richard, who had arrived to return thanks to God for the fuccefs of
his ktt campaign in Ireland ; but, in fpite of the good intentions of fir Thomas Percy, high Reward of England, who had promifed to procure him an audience of the ' king, he could not be prefented, and was obliged
to follow this prince to the diffsraif: places he vifited, until he came to Leeds-cattle**.
. This time was not loft on our hiftoriaa : the Englifh were dill full of their expedition to Ireland, and he got them to tell him both their own exploits and the marvellous things they had feen there. Being yet at
Ijeeds-caftle, he pfdartod to the duke of York his letters from the count de Hainault and the count d'Oftrevantf. •ê Matter John/ faid the duke to him, ê keep near to our perlbn and to our people, who will ihew you all love and kindncfe : we are bounden lb to do, from afleéiion to former limes, and to our lady-mother, to whom you were attached: we well •remember thole times*9 He afterwards introduced him into the king's chamber, who received him with very diftinguifhed marks of good will. Richard took the letters he had been charged with ; and, having read them, 4aid, that 1 (ince he had been of the houfehold -of his grandfather and of the queen km grandmother, he mnft be ftill of the houfehold of England.1
Froiflart, however, had not yet been able to prefent to the king the romance of Meliador, which he had brought with him; and Percy advifed him to wait a more favourable opportunity. Two important objeéb occupied the mind of Richard : one was Ms intended marriage with liabdla of France; the other, the oppofition of the -people of Acquitaine to the donation which he had made of that province to his uncle, the duke of Lancafter. The prelates and barons had been fummoned to£M»mf to deliberate on thefe two affairs ; and Froiflart had followed the jcourt. He wrote down regularly all he heard in rhis conventions with the.different englifh lords; and Richard Stuny, who was*of the Icing's cabinet council, intrefted. him, in confidence, with every refolution they .had determined
• In Kent
. + Afterwards carl of : Holland,. and knight of jhe .Gaxter.
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