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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 19
arranged all the information he had acquired in his various travels, he compofed a new book, which makes the third of his hiftory.
The paflage whence thefe particulars are taken adds, that Froiflart, on quitting Zealand, and before his return to his own country, went once more to Rome. Although, in this inftance, the printed copies are conformable to the manufcripts, this journey, of which no other mention is made, feems to me quite improbable. Denys Sauvage aflures us, in a marginal note, that inftpad of Rome, we (hould read Bruges, Sluys or Valenciennes : it is much more natural to read Damme, a port in the neighbourhood of Sluys, where, as we have feen, the hiftorian embarked.
It is uncertain how long Froiflart remained in Hainault : we only know that he was again in Paris in 1392, at the time when the conftable de Cliflbn was aflaflinated by Peter de Craon; and at Abbeville towards the end of that fame year or the beginning of the next, during the conferences which were held there by the plenipotentiaries from France and England, when they at laft eftablifhcd a truce for four years.
From the year 137.8, Froiflart had obtainedfirom theanti-pope CleraentVII. the reverfion of a canonry at Lille. In the colle&ion of his poetry, which was completed in 1393, and in a preface, which is to be met with in feveral manufcripts at the beginning of the fourth volume of his hiftory, compofed about this time, he ftyles himfelf canon of Lille ; but Clement VII. dying in 139*, he gaveiip his expeditions of the reverfion, and began to ftyle himfelf canon and treafurer of the collegiate church of Chimay, which he probably owed to the friendfhip of the count de Blois, who refpedted him much,—the lordfhip of Chimay being part of the inheritance which had fallen into the count, in 1381, by the death of John de Châtillon, count de Blois, the laft of his brothers.
It was twenty-feven years fince Froiflart had left England, when, taking advantage of the truce between the French and Engliih, he returned thither in 1395, furnifhed with letters of recommendation to the king and his uncles. From Dover, where he difembarked, he went to Canterbury, made his offering at the fhrine of Thomas à Becket, and, from refpeéfc to the memory of .the prince of Wales, to whom he had been perfeéÛy wel
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