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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 14
fus life in negotiations as delkate as they were important The two travellers agreed perfectly well : the knight, who -'had ferved in all the wars in Gafcony, was equally defirous to learn every thing which .related to thofe that Froiflart was acquainted with,—and Froiflart, more in a (ituation to fatisfy him dun anyone, was not left curious to be informed of thofe events in which the knight had borne a part : they mutually communicated all they knew with a reciprocal complaifance. They rode fide by fide, and frequently only afbofs pace: their whole journey was pafled in converfations, by which they mutually inftru&ed each other.
Towns, eaftles, ruins, plains, heights, valleys, defiles, every thing awakened the curiofity of Froiflart, and recalled to *he memory of fir Efpaing du Lyon the different aétions which had there palled under his eyes, or which he had heard related by thofe who had been engaged in them.
The hiftorian, too circumftantial in the recital which he gives us of thefe converfations, relates even the exclamations by which he teftified his gratitude to the knight for all the interefting intelligence he was pleafed to give him.
If they arrived at a town before fun-fet, they availed themfdves of the remnant of the day to examine the out-works of the place, or to obferve thofe parts of it which had fuffered from aflauHs. On their return to the inn, they continued the fame converfations, either between themfelves or with other knights and efquires who might be lodged there ; and Froiflart never went to bed until he had put down in writing every particular he had heard.
' After a journey of fix days, they arrived at Ortez. This town, one of the moft confiderable in Beam, was the ordinary refidence of Gafton count de Foix and vifcount de Béarn, furnamed Phœbus, on account of his beauty. Froiflart could not havechofen a court more fuitable to his views. The count de Foix, at the age of fifty-nine, was the moft vigorous, the handfomeft and beft made man of that period. Adroit at all exercifes, valorous, an accomplifhed captain, noble and magnificent, he never fuffered any warrior who was his gueft to depart without carrying away proofs of Jœ liberality : his caftle was the jrendavous of al thofe brave captains who
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