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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 13
Two years after, on the- folemnization of this marriage at Bourges, he* celebrated it in a fort of epithafemium, fuflkiently ingenious for thofe timesr entitled * The Temple of Honour.1
He pafled the years 1385, 1586 and- IS87f fbraetimes in theBlafoisr fometimes in Touraine ; but the count de Blois having engaged him to continue his hiftory, which he had left unfinilhcd, he determined,, in 1388, to take advantage of the-peace juft concluded, to vifit the court of Gallon Phœbus count- de Foix and de Béarn, in oidtr to-gain full information of whatever related to foreign countriesr and the more diftant provinces o£r the kingdom, where he knew that a--great number of warriors Signalized; themfelves daily by the moft gallant «étions. •
Hit age and 'his health ftill allowed him tobear great fatigue : his memory - • was*fufficiently ftrong to retain whatever he fhould hear, and his judgment, clear enough to point out to him the ufe he fhould make of it
He fet out with letters of recommendation from the count dé Blois to Gafton Phœbus, and took the road through Avignon.. One of his paftorals • informs m that he redded'in the environs of an. abbey *, fituated " between-Lunel and Montpelier, and that he gained the affeaions of a young perfon, who bewailed his departure. In the fame poem he tells us that he carried with him four grey-houndsf, as a prefent to the count de Foix. Gafton. was paflionately fond of dogs, and had upwards of fixteen hundred always in his kennel. There is extant a-treatife written by him on-hunting, which, is preferved in manufcriprin feveral libraries, and was printed in 1520.
Froiflart went from Carcaflbnne to Pamiers, of which he gives an* agreeable defcriptioa. He remained there three days waiting.for the chance of meeting fome perfon with whom-he might travel into Béarn* He was fortunate enough to meet with a knight from the county of Foix, who was • returning thither from Avignon, and they journeyed together.
Sir Efpaing du Lyon, the name ofr the knight, was a man of high diftinétion, who had considerable commands, and had been employed all
* Probably S Gêniez, a monaflcnr of mus» one league ami a half from iie tmd which icask ' torn Montpelier to Lurch—ST PALAY*.
t Their names were TriAio» Heâorf Btua and Rolani—Sx PAVAYSÉ
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