Roger De Hoveden
The Annals vol.2., From A.D. 1180 To A.D. 1201.
page 553
Leo HI., pope, i. 30
— IX., pope, i. 114 Leofric, earl, i. 124 Leofwine, i. 161 Leopold, duke of Austria, his death,
ii. 346 Limezun, city of, ii. 202 Limoges, Aimeric de, i. 412
— Viscount de, ii. 452 Lincoln, superstition as to, i. 249,
ii. 502 Lindisfarne, i. 13 Lisbon, i. 251 Liulph, i. 160 London besieged, i. 98, council of,
i. 412, synod of, ii. 490 Londoners assist the king of Portugal, ii. 147 Longbeard, William, ii. 388 Longchamp, Osbert de, ii. 139 Lord's day, observance of the, ii. 487,526, 528, 529 Losinga, bishop Herbert de, i. 180 Louis, king, i. 56, 192, 230, 324
— prince, ii. 480 Lucan, ii. 155, 264, 453 Lucius III., pope, ii. 12 Ludecan, king, i. 32 Lusignan, Aimeric de, ii. 439
— Geoffrey de, ii. 208
— Guido de, i. 316, ii. 55,126
Machetad, king, i. 107 Mac William, ii. 64 Magna Charta, ii. 521 Magnus, king, i. 113, 187, 536 Malcolm, king, i. 177, 253 Mallory, Anketill, i. 377 Malvoisin, i. 184 Mandeville, Geoffrey, i. 247 Manuel, emperor, i. 419 Marabotin, i. 451 Marchadès, ii. 390, 430, 431, 450, 454, 480 Marchewald, ii. 408 March, earldom of, i. 467 Margaret, queen, i. 147, 178 Margarite, ii. 485 Marmion, Robert, L 247 Marseilles, ii. 153
Mategriffon, ii. 170 Matilda, the empress, i. 236 Maurienne, earl of, i. 362 Measures, assize of, ii. 410, 466 Mentz, ii. 485 Meopham, church of, ii. 489 Merlin, prophecy of, i. 368 Merseware, i. 36 Mestoc, ii. 211 Miracles, i. 12, 28, 51, 55, 65, 70, 131, 132, 144, 174, 183,186,188, 190, 196, 198, 207, 216, 241, 247, 248, 331,332, 528, ii. 19, 31, 49, 98, 146, 150, 156, 212, 249, 263, 345, 387, 405, 407, 439,447,448, 486,504, 506, 507, 529, 530 Momerfield, i, 209 Moll Ethelwald, i. 24 Monks of Canterbury, ii. 34, 422,488 Monkton, chnrch of, ii. 489 Monoderus, i. 456 Morcar, i. 95 Morell, i. 178 Moretuil, earl of, i. 225 Mowbray. Robert de, i. 70, 183
— William de. ii. 482 Monetario, Peter de, i. 266 Munkeceastre, i. 154 Muschamp, Geoffrey de, ii. 355
Nicholas, bishop of Wic, ii. 404
— IL, pope, i. 125
— Saint, i. 168, ii. 148 Normandy, dukes of, i. 562 Northampton, council of, i. 437 Northumbria, earls of, i. 67
— kings of, i. 2 Nothelm, archbishop, i. 3 Nottingham, council of, i. 406 Nunant, bishop Hugh de, ii. 420
— Robert de, ii. 310 Nuns of Saint Clement's at York,
ii. 271
Obediential, ii. 499 Octavianus, antipope, i. 256
— cardinal, ii. 63, 277, 500, 507 Odo, bishop, i. 163
— earl, i. 185
— Saint, i. 71