Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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Rohm, duke of Heidelberg, eleâed emperor of Germany, IV. 691.
y , king of Sicily, endeavours to make peace between the kings of France and England,
I. 144.
I. king of Scotland, fee Bruce. - • II. king of Scotland, fee Stewart*
, the hermit, ordered byavifion to interfere in bringing about a peace between France and England, IV. 439.—Attends the conferences at Leulinghen, 441.—Sent to England, 444. Robe/art, the canon de, defeats the Navarrois near Creil, I. 498.—Turns to the Englifii in-tcreft, 797.
Roche, La, fur Yon, the caftle of, taken by the duke of Cambridge, I. 834.—Surrenders to
the French under fir Oliver de Cliflbn, IL 345,
, La, d'Errien, the town of, taken by fir Thomas Daggeworth, I. 356.—Befieged by
the lord Charles of Blois, ib.—Surrenders to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, II. 143. Rouchechouart, the vifcount de, captured at the battle of Poitiers, I. 438.—Imprifoned by the
prince of Wales, 835.—Liberated, ik—His lands invaded by fir John Chandos, II. 4. Rochelle, the town of, blockaded by the Spaniards and French under Evan of Wales, II. 119«
—Turns to the French intereft, 125. Rochemilon, the caftle of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 266. Rocbe-pofay, La, the town of, taken by the French under fir John de Bueil, L 813. Roche taillade, John de, his apologue relative to a fchifm in the church, III. 226« Romorantin, the town of, taken by the prince of Wales, L 413. Roquemadour, the town of, taken by fir John Chandos, I. 823. Ro/ebecque, the battle of, between the king of France and the men of Ghent, II. 637. Rofem, the lord de, captured by the duke of Anjou, II. 200.
Roucy, the town of, in Picardy, taken by Robin Scott, 1. 498.—Retaken by the archbifhop of Rheims, 520.
«p—, the earl of, wounded and made prifoner, I. 498.—Taken prifoner a fécond time near Seponne, 508.
Rouelles, the town of, in Galicia, furrenders to the duke of Lancafter, III. 299. Rouen, the inhabitants of, rebel againft Charles the Sixth, II. 503.
Roulleboife fur Seine, the caftle of, taken by Wauftre Oftrate, I. 541.—Delivered up to fir Ber-trand du Guefclin, 636.
Routes, a band of armed men fo called, make war on Arragon, III. 350.—Defeated by Ray-mond de Bâchez, 353. ' -
Roye, the lord of, defeats and captures the lord of Gomigines, I. 544.
—, fir Reginald de, tilts with fir John Holland at Entença, III. 393.—With two other knights, holds a tournament near Calais againft all comers, IV. 107.
Rue, James de la, executed at Paris for treafon, II. 185.
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