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THOMAS JOHNES, ESQ. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart



Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 186

I N D B X. «*3 England, and marries him to his daughter, 356.—Make* preparations to invade Eng-land, 408, 413.—Arretted by the duke of Brittany at the caftle of Ermine, 418.—Obtains his liberty, 422.—Complains to the king of France of the conduâ of the duke of Brittany, • and offers to refign his office of conftable, 430.—Retires to Montlehery, 432.—Takek •the town of St. Malo and St. Matthieu de Fine Poterne, 603.—1 His caftles reftored to him by the duke of Brittany, 6i 2.—Way-laid and feverely wounded by fir Peter de Craon, IV. 320.—On account of his wealth, he incurs the fofpictons and hatred of the dukes of Berry and Burgundy, 331.—Treated with great hardiness by the duke of Burgundy, 354. —Retires from Paris, 355.—Summoned to appear before the parliament of Paris, 363.— Not anfwering to the fommons, he is baniftied the kingdom, 364.—Wages à violent warfare againft the duke of Brittany, 384.—Makes peace with him, 454. Cobourne, the caftle of, in Limoufin, taken by a robber of the name of Bacon, I. 372. Cockerel, the battle of, in Normandy, 1. 625. Combat, the noted, between thirty Bretons and thirty Englilh, 1. 374, Between fir Bertrand du Guefclin and fir Nicholas Dagworth, at Rennes, 463.—Between fir Ay mon de Pommiers and fir Foulque d'Archiac, before the king of France at Villeneuve, 598.— Remarkable one at Lar, between the garrifon of Lourde and Tarbe, III. 209.—Mortal, at Paris, between fir John de Carogne and James le Gris, ÏII. 346. x ' . Come tie, the town of, in Turkey, taken by ftorm by the combined ehriftian armies under the king of Hungary and John o( Burgundy, IV. 476. ' Comfit Box, (drageoir) a fpice box ufed in the deficits of the great, fome account of, IV. 122, note. Cmmmffioners fent to France, to execute the conditions^ of the peace between France and England, I. 575. .. appointed to examine into the conduft of the managers of the finances under Richard the Second, III. 469.—Commit fir Simon Burley to the Tower, 4)r.—CondemrJ him to death, 474.—Appoint a new council for the king, 476. Concarneau, the town of, taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IL 144. Conferences held at Avignon between the French and Engiifh to négociât© a peace, L 401. • held at Leulinghen for the fame purpofe, IV. 389. Connie, the caftle of, taken by the duke of Burgundy, I. 641. Conquet, the caftle of, taken by the forces of the lord Charles of Blois, I. 21 i»—-Retaken by fir Walter Manny, 212. Confiance, the lady, daughter of don Pedro, king of Caftille, married to the duke of Lan* cafter, IL 94. Convalie, the caftle of, taken by the French under fir Walter de Pafiàc, III. 204. Çofèland, John, captures the king of Scotland at the battle of NeviTs Croft, I. 344.—Delivers him up to the queen of England by order of king Edward, who was at Calais, 348. a B 2 ^ Coraffe,

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