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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 183
Englifli, 169.—Fits out a fleet for the mvafion of England, which does confiderable snifchief; 181.—Declares war againft the king of Navarre,. 185.—Inftigates the king of Scotland to make war on England, 215.-—Seizes the pofleffions of the king of Navarre in Normandy, 240.—Sends an ambaflador to the king of Scotland, 284.—His ambaflador detained by the earl of Flanders, 285.—Orders the earl of Flanders to fend the duke of Brittany out of his dominions, 288.*—Puts himfelf under obedience to Clement as the lawful pope, 298.—Affiled with a lingular diforder, 386.—His laft words and advice on his death-bed, 387.—Dies at Paris, 390. Charles the Sixth, of France, crowned at Rheims, II. 397.—Sends an army to the affiftance of the king of Caftille, 531.—Determines to make war on Flanders in behalf of the earl, 576.—On account of a dream, he choofes a flying hart for his device, 577.«—Endea-vours to treat with the Flemings, 588.—Colleâs a large force to reduce them to obe-dience, 596.—Defeats the Flcmifh army at the bridge of Commines, 62c—Receives the fubraiffion of Ypres and feveral other places, 622, et fcq.—Defeats the Flemings, under Philip von Artaveld, with great daughter, 640.—Enters Court ray, 642.—Receives the fub-miffion of Bruges, 645.—Returns to France, 653.—Makes his entrance into Paris, 656.— Afiembles a large army to oppofe the bifliop of Norwich in Flanders, 684.—Takes Caflel 691, and Eourbourg, 704.—Returns to France, 708.—Enters into a truce with England, 711.— Prepares to renew the war, 732.—Marries the lady Ifabella, of Bavaria, III. 23.—Makes great preparations to invade England, 284.—Promifes toaffift the king of Caftille, 296.—Joins his armament at Sluys, 331.—Puts off his defign, and difbands his army, 337.—Makes * preparations to affift the king of Caftille, 363.—Prepares another armament againft Eng-land, under fir Oliver de Cliflbn, 408, 413.—His defigns fruftrated by the arreft of fir Oliver by the duke of Brittany, 418.—Receives an intuiting defiance from the duke of Gueldres, 432.—Commands the duke of Brittany to reftore fir Oliver de Cliflbn the places which he had unjuftly taken from him for his ranfom, 458.—Receives a haughty anfwer from bim, 460.—Promifes to affift the duchefs of Brabant againft the duke of Juliers, 557. —Invites the duke of Ireland (who had been banifhed England by the duke "of Gioucefter and his party) to refide in France, 593.—Prepares an army to invade Guel-derland, 644.—Sends ambafladors to explain his intentions to the emperor of Germany, 646.—Receives favourable anfwers, 650.—Enters the duchy of Juliers, IV. 37.—Receives the fubmifiton of the duke of Gucklres, 43.—Returns to France, 44.—Takes upon himfelf the government of France, on coming of age, 48.—Sends ambafladors to the king of Caftille, to rernonftrate with him on the marriage of ht» fon, the infanta of Spain, with the daughter of the duke of Lancafter, 49.—Enters into a truce with the king of Eng-land, 70.—Orders the duke of Ireland to quit France, 93.—Vifits the pope at Avignon, 95.—Vrto Montpellier, ice. 125, et fiq.—Receives the homage of the count de Foix at Touknifey f 19.—Travels with great fpeed from Montpellier to Paris, for a wager againft
i8o INDEX.
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