Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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590.—Takes meafures to guard the paffes of the country againft the king of France, 618.—After the defeat of Peter du Bois, collects a force to oppofe the king of France in perfon, 619.—Defeated and fiain at the battle of Rofebecqne, 641 •
Artois, lord Charles d', captured at the battle of Poitiers, I. 437.
Artois, lord John d\ captured at the battle of Poitiers, 1.437.
Artois, lord Philip d', marries the lady Mary of Berry, and is appointed conftable of France, IV. 381.—Taken prifoner at the battle of Nicopoli in Turkey, 517.—Dies at Hautloge, in the fame country, 565.
Artois, the lord Robert A\ befriends Ifabella, queen of Edward the Second, after (he had been commanded to quit France, 1.12.—Is himfelf banifhed by king Philip, 62.—Takes . refuge in England, and is created earl of Richmond, 65.—Sent into Brittany to aid the countefs of Montford againft the lord Charles of Blois, 227.—Engages the lord Lewis of Spain at fea, 229.—Lands in Brittany, 228.—Takes the town of Vannes, 231.—Is befieged in it, 232.—Killed, 235.
Afundil, the earl of, befieged with king Edward the Second in Briftol by the queen's forces, 1.18.—Condemned to death and beheaded, 20„
Arundel, Richard earl of, defeats the Flemifh fleet under fir John le Bucq, III. 365.—Ap-pointed to the command of a naval expedition, 600.—Lands near la Rochelle, 627.— Defeats the Rochellers in a fkirmtfh, 63».—Lands in Normandy, and over-runs the country, IV. 61.—*Rtturns to Southampton, 62.—Joins the duke of Gloucefter in his attempts to excite difturbances in England, 546.—Committed to the Tower, 583.— Beheaded, 586.
Arundel, fir John, heads an armament againft France, and' lands at Cherbourg, II. 245.— Sent with a force to the affiftance of the duke of Brittany, 343.—Perifhes at fea, 343.
Afai, Guy d\ fteward, of Touloufe, endeavours to prevent the free companies from en-tering France, on their return from Spain, L 696.—k defeated by therfi before Mont-aubon, and made prifoner, 701.
AJfembly, of the lords of England and France, held at Amiens, to treat of a peace between the two countries, IV. 305.—Breaks up without having accoraplifhcd the objeâ of its meeting, 311.
———- held at Rheims by the king of France and the emperor of Germany, to confult on*
meafures to put an end to the fchifm. in the church, IV. 590.. AJfueton^ fir John, a Scots knight, performs a gallant deed of arms at Noyon, II. 56. Athenis, the town of, taken from the Englifh by the duke of Normandy, I. 290« Athens, thé duke ©f, flain at the battle of Poitiers, I. 435.
Atremen, Francis, a citizen of G^ent, furprifes the town of Oudernarde, II. 698.-—Defeats . a party of the French at Ardembourg, 743-—Makes an unfucce&fuT attempt to take Acdembourg, IIL 12.—Murdered at Ghent, 290.
INDEX. i6§ •